
Some statistics showing they may not be as “liberal” as we like to believe for the flaming you’re about to get from the greys

This. People keep forgetting that conservatives have kids too. The FB posts of the Gen Z’s in my social circle are pretty enlightening. For all the young lefties, there seem to be a near equal amount young righties.

I also find it weird how the righties relatives are always the ones who jump in to “defend” them when

Agreed. Also, watch anything Velveteen Dream has done - including his entrances.

Hey, “DustyRhodes’ImpactedHemmorhoid”, you are never going to get out of my grays.

“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”


Mr. SHough? There’s a Michelle on line 1... says it’s VERY important.

Thanks. That’s a huge compliment for me. Because between him and Toni Morrison there aren’t much bigger footprints to try and walk in when it comes to telling “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. (Although Harriot seems to be doing his absolute damnedest to “set some folks free” too.)

I’m I'm the Democratic socialists wrestler wrestling fan that's what I call and I tried to get my dad into a w and he just laughed at me

And Gen Z are not just racist in the clueless and unthinking way Gen X and Gen-Millennial often are, Gen Z are actively and consciously racist in the way the Jim Crow Generation were. Gen Z are deliberately being racist as part of a Jim Crow II culture war. Hell, I bet I could find a non negligible number of Zers who

To the people who’ve been endlessly covered in blood for five unbroken centuries, any distinction between one group carrying daggers, while another carries long-handle swords is effectively irrelevant.

Uh does anyone have the heart to tell Haley that her generation is just as bad, if not worse, than the ones that came before her? I mean that is some next level delusion if little Ms. Haley really thinks that her generation hasn’t become as close minded and insular thinking as every other one before it. Look no

That’s what I was going to say. You go to the Baltimore Arena for a JCP show in 1986? A lot of fuckin’ rednecks wearing their bigotry proudly.

“[T]he security team also has no interest in dealing with fans like that, since their job is to protect the wrestlers and not the fans.”

We are easy targets because no one protects us. Its quite simple. But this has been going on for centuries and twitter just makes it more blatantly obvious and public. Ijueo Olujo has received so many racist death threats and now they know where she lives and target her and her family. Who can forget the Black

During the making of Match Point Woody Allen would ask Scarlett Johansson questions like “tell me about when you lost your virginity”.

The only way I can see Pence leaving this mess is if he’s replaced by Trumps only true son, Stephen Miller.

Steve King is the feces that’s created after evil eats too much stupidity.

Add this to the list. 

Are we allowed to praise Warren on Splinter now? I thought the official editorial stance is that her dna test kerfuffle was unforgivable and therefore Bernie was the only chosen one...