Does anyone know why the comment section on Giz is so shitty and outdated feeling?
Does anyone know why the comment section on Giz is so shitty and outdated feeling?
Article needs gameplay video please.
Linked or embeded vids would be appreciated in the article. Yes I’m lazy, I know.
Why not link in a trailer or some gameplay...
What do you mean, it’s just his le... oh.. OHH... wait, that’s as massive XXX!
Look lower.
No pictures are allowed at E3? Would have helped this article. Or any screenshots of the game for that matter.
Would really, really love to relive my great memories of Bad Company 2 playing with buddies in a squad. Battlegrounds seems like it would fit perfectly.
Anyone else watch all the linked videos... jumped through them and just couldn’t find anything... good, funny? Love the idea, execution is a meh.
*Stands up, grins, starts a slow clap while slowly nodding. Beautifully said.
Please state platforms.
Fast forward, fast forward, fast forward.... aaaaaaaaaaand still nothing going on...
Game felt like it had huge potential to grow into this big, powerful message but then the dialogue kind of just got draining and I had to quit, too bad, started off well.
This right here killed the game for me. Noped out after that.
One of my favourite puzzle games on iOS.
I cringe everytime I hear him speak. Nothing worthwhile hearing ever comes out of his mouth, it’s always so awkward.
Great, save me some $. I’ll skip this one.
Doesn’t seem that relevant, does it?
And can we get a Amen to the fact that it’s by far the worst commenting system on any site...
Brilliant :)