
If the only thing keeping your bubble from bursting is a bunch of delusional evangelists, it’s already burst. It’s a dead fad walking. If you got in early, you might be able to salvage some value. Otherwise, good luck staying ahead of the shockwave.

Until you can show me that the Skene’s glands are the same size as a human bladder, there’s no way you’re gonna convince me that the amount of liquid typically involved isn’t pee. There’s probably some other form of squirting that involves a lesser amount of (non-pee) fluid, but what you see in porn, i.e., what most

This is largely incorrect. Yes, hops add resistance to spoilage. But IPAs were brewed in India as well as England. The hop levels were not increased just to make the voyage. They were also used to counterbalance the higher ABV, and thus the higher residual sweetness, of the IPA style, which was simply the style that

My objections to skim milk have nothing to do with ethical or biological restrictions. Unless you consider my taste buds telling me that it’s wretched stuff to be a biological restriction.

I’m so alpha, I can be dominant while I’m being submissive. Like, what the fuck? Is this what Lifehacker is about now?

People don’t understand how microphones work. Or that using speakerphone because you don’t want to smudge your screen annoys everyone around you. People are dumb.

Way to skip the best part of Unpacking, which is the story told through the various belongings and residences of the player character. Sure, the organization of things is relaxing, but the game has a lot of heart, too, which transcends mere stuff in boxes.

In my experience, using frozen cherries means the final product will have a very soft texture, which I personally don’t like in a cocktail cherry. Also, I needed more sweetness than the fructose in the cherries provided. But yeah, you should never spend $20 on a jar of cherries you can make for a fraction of that.


Already got my federal refund. File early. That’s pretty much it. Helps that my finances are simple.

[citation needed]

I didn’t even know there was a hard mode. I just figured using letters you’ve already guessed correctly was the most efficient way to play.

Zero. I have better things to do than watch sportsball.

If you want to test the (scientifically questionable) benefits of collagen out yourself, just make your own chicken stock, which is packed with collagen, dirt cheap (well, relatively cheap, compared to the extortionate supplement industry), and tastes great. I freeze it into quart bags and ice cube trays to add to

Hmm, well I know Lifehacker are experts at making their articles look cheap and tacky using slideshows, so maybe this video is worth a watch.

Meanwhile, my ~2014 Windows laptop is still running just fine after several new OS installs, and my Galaxy S7 (circa 2016) is also going strong. Almost like anecdotes are not data.

I don’t know about the OP, but as an Android user, every time I pick up an Apple device, I can’t put it down fast enough. Ugh.

Sure, let’s all listen to someone called “GoonieGooGoo” for tips about sophistication.

That’s OK. It’s OK to be wrong. Maybe watch the whole thing, and you’ll get it. Or not, whatever, I’m not your dad.

Yeah, I think each movie on this list could be accompanied by two others that are just as good.