
1. News to me that stuffing is a once-a-year side. I made some last week.

If your breasts look like that light fixture, you should consult your doctor. Something is wrong.

Fuck A Christmas Story. Someone recently pointed out to me the vast irony of a movie, in which a kid laments something he loved turning into a shallow commercial for a drink mix, being basically a shallow commercial for a time that exists only in the minds of nostalgic boomers wearing the rosiest of rose-colored

I mean, there are plenty (plenty) of the latter out there. I have no illusions that “most” people think it’s a good movie. It’s an OK movie. It is the best of the new trilogy, obviously better than anything in the prequels, and maybe even better than ROTJ. The main problem was (and continues to be) people who treat

Here’s my rule of thumb: don’t attend concerts, especially outdoor ones without fixed seats. Never steered me wrong.

So like all things internet, a bunch of idiots chimed in to say they don’t like the things that everyone else likes. Turkey is delicious, when prepared correctly. Mashed potatoes are delicious, when prepared correctly. Deviled eggs are delicious, when prepared correctly. I’m sorry no one knows how to cook any more,

Stop buying so much crap.

Use the pie pan you have. For me, that’s glass. Never done me wrong.

See, I know several younger people who were unfamiliar (or at least less familiar) with Peter Cushing and his performance as Tarkin, and they thought there was nothing wrong with the CG version. In fact, even for me, the only thing that was really distracting was the not-quite-right vocal performance. It was so close,

I’m not sure I would want to work for a company whose hiring process is so disorganized that a single bad actor in its midst could torpedo hires simply because of their personal beliefs. Maybe I’m naive; I’ve been in the same industry for the last 20 years, so not a lot of drama in the hiring process, just shuffling

“Can I interest you in a list of things I’ve arranged in a slideshow?”

I also sigh, but I recognize that language changes, and when “literally” now means “figuratively” because enough people used it wrongly for long enough to change its actual definition, “begging the question” means whatever people (wrongly) think it means.

My pet peeve redundancy is when someone repeats the word “is” for emphasis, e.g., “the point is, is that...” or “what that means is, is that...” Drives me crazy. 

And what if you don’t have an Instagram password, and can’t reset it? I’m done with everything Facebook owns. I want out.

The cynic in me would argue that crypto isn’t any riskier than any other fiat currency. The dollar only has value because we say it does, and they can just make more money whenever they feel like it. But I don’t think I will ever trust something that exists because a video card on someone’s gaming rig pushed a bunch

Nice strawman you’ve got there.

Good thing “cancel culture”, as it is frequently invoked by people who don’t know what they’re talking about, and/or want to escape consequences for their shitty opinions, doesn’t exist. Comedy that punches down isn’t funny. Period.

Funny, but I don’t consider “does this group of people deserve to exist” a matter of opinion. We’re not talking about your favorite CrossFit exercise or something.

I’m confused. This article is ostensibly about not keeping things on your kitchen counter, but when it comes to spices and other staples, it seems like as long as your containers are airtight and lightproof, you can keep them wherever you like. It’s not like your kitchen counter has more air than the rest of your

Oops. I wonder if Lifehacker will run a 29-part slideshow on how to avoid this kind of embarrassing faux-pas.