
Wait, so what’s the point of washing towels at all? If the things you’re worried about transferring to the other fabrics you’re washing survive the washing process, that is? I thought the combination of soap and heat took care of pathogens. Now you’re saying that it’s conceivable you could ingest e. coli from a towel

You forgot the most important step: telling everyone you’re going vegan, and then continuing to tell everyone once you’ve made it there. 

Most of these are fine, but the elbows on the table thing is ridiculous. I’m resting my elbows, not sitting on the vichyssoise. Relax.

And as with anything else, be sure to modify your cooking time for altitude. Here in the Denver area, I need 6-7 minutes at pressure to get my hard-boiled eggs cooked properly.

Huh, I also had no idea this wasn’t common knowledge.

The Holdo Maneuver was one of the rare moments of my moviegoing life that a scene literally made me hold my breath. The buildup, the payoff, the visuals and dynamite sound design, just perfect. I’m gonna go watch that scene right now.

Cook for yourself? Nah, cultivating a hobby and becoming more self-sufficient isn’t what this site is about.

So, a wireless signal doesn’t carry the bandwidth of a wired one. Wow. You’re blowing my mind here. In 2021.

Personally, I would go with spring water, which may have some dissolved minerals that will enhance coffee flavor. Purified or distilled water may leave the coffee tasting a bit flatter, but as with anything else, it’s all down to taste.

Now playing

Watch out, referring to the foam on a Nespresso as “crema” will cause weird coffee people to froth at the mouth, so to speak. It’s not crema; you can get the same foam by putting coffee in a blender, which is essentially what the Nespresso machine is doing. I like it, myself, but it’s not crema.

I don’t carry cash. And I don’t tip at any other drive-thru, so why would I tip at a coffee shop? If I’m in the shop, and I’m receiving table service, I’ll tip if there’s a blank on the credit card slip. I don’t care that the IRS knows about your credit card tips. It’s that or nothing. And you should be reporting your

Just when I thought one of your comments couldn’t possibly be stupider than the last, you top yourself yet again. I’d be impressed, if you weren’t such a shitshow.

Exactly. I just learned about the history of the word “bulldoze”, and while I doubt anyone would call me a racist for continuing to use that word (and I’m not gonna think anyone else is when I hear it), I’m making a conscious decision to replace it with “earth mover” in my own vocabulary.

As I wrote in my own comment, I agree, except for one. “Do a 360" includes an actual mathematical quantity that doesn’t make sense. I used to feel the same way about using “decimate” to mean destroying more than a tenth, as was its original meaning, but while the word has the “deci-” prefix that indicates the number

I stopped correcting people on a lot of this stuff, as language changes all the time, and it’s not hurting anyone to think “hone in on” or “intensive purposes” is correct. I understand their meaning from context. My only exception is the 360 one, because there’s an actual quantity there, and 360 makes no sense at all.

And for your own sanity, never discuss your coffee habits on the internet with weird coffee people, unless you want to be judged for not having the right grinder, or for liking the wrong roast, or for not sourcing your beans correctly, or for using a filter, or using the wrong filter, or not using a filter, or mixing

Your heart is hurting because an athlete is retiring? Wow, some people have some bizarre priorities when it comes to their emotional investments. Yikes.

Here you go. There’s been plenty of studies, none of which has demonstrated a link between antiperspirants and the diseases that are routinely blamed on them. Sources at the end of the article. Antiperspirants are safe, as far as anyone who knows how to conduct a study to test their safety has been able to determine.

And if you’re unvaccinated by choice, and can’t find a fucking hoo.

Or just learn the difference between a tap and a swing. No need to go all samurai on your avocado pit. Take your chef’s knife, line up a few inches above the pit, and thwack. If you don’t have any major neurological disorders, this should be a piece of cake.