
Right, but the problem isn’t the zipper merge. It’s the idiots that refuse to let anyone in. You would be fine waiting until the last second if you knew there was a car-shaped space next to you to merge into. But selfish assholes ruin the whole thing.

A corruption of the name coined by the discoverer of the metallic element, which started as “alumium”, changed to “aluminum”, then “corrected” to fit the IUPAC standard -ium ending. “Aluminum” has a better claim on the “correct” spelling, IMO.

You’re on Jalopnik, responding to someone who makes a clutch pedal part of their personal identity. So yeah.

So because there’s a straightaway, any driver should have assumed there wasn’t a curve at the end? Yeah, no. Nothing wrong with the road layout. The only problem here was a moron who prioritized going fast over their own personal safety and the safety of everyone else on the road.

I would agree that it is beneficial to understand why people believe in unprovable, woo-laden things like astrology. But I have no interest in understanding the specifics of any of these belief systems - astrology, feng shui, homeopathy, organized religion(s) - the general knowledge of why the human brain latches on

I’ll just throw in disc golf. Sure, you’re not gonna outdrive the pros, or even younger amateurs, but there’s a lot of fun walking around a forest, trying to get a plastic disc into a basket. I just started the hobby, and I love it, even though I’m about as unathletic as it gets.

It’s been 43 years. But I’m sure I’ll start to enjoy it any day now.

I was like, “I don’t want kids.”

Ooh, ooh, is it racism? It’s racism, right? So many dumb motherfuckers want to blame Asians for their problems. Guess what? It doesn’t matter. What matters is what happened after the virus spread. That is, just about as many balls were dropped as was physically possible. In the US, that is, land of the dumb

Running is not worth it. It does nothing that other lower-impact exercises cannot do, with the added benefit of not ruining your joints and making you feel like shit.

Any advice for getting my wife to stop buying “detox tea” and just go with an herbal tea with the exact same stuff that doesn’t cost $20 a box? I keep trying to tell her that detox isn’t a thing, but she claims to feel better. So I usually just let it go.

The fact that you can crush garlic without peeling it is reason enough to own one of these. And I’ve seen plenty of options that have been engineered for ease of cleaning. I subscribe to Alton Brown’s aversion to unitaskers, but there are exceptions.

Break up with this guy. Oh, too harsh? Listen. Leave aside that he could easily assuage his misgivings with a Google search. Leave aside that he is fine endangering you because of his personal beliefs. Here’s the thing - you are a medical professional, and he doesn’t trust your expertise. He doesn’t value your

I like how the “two-ingredient” bagel recipes all have at least four ingredients. Egg wash and toppings are ingredients.

And you get to collectively look down on someone just because of the place they grew up in! What’s more American than that?

This is one of the reasons I’m not a sports fan. The other reasons are that most sports fans are insufferable (not that they’re much different from any other sort of fan these days, looking at you, Star Wars) and that organized sports themselves are dumb. No one should get paid millions of dollars to throw a ball.

What if you can’t be bothered to care about humans that don’t fit your overly simplistic view of gender? What if you shitpost under the guise of “just asking questions”, otherwise known as JAQing off? What if you’re just an asshole?

This is why I always replace all the drywall when I need to patch a hole. It’s time-consuming, but my walls are perfect.

Of the two sides of the debate, I absolutely cannot understand anyone criticizing someone using an “extra” comma. I could understand criticizing someone for leaving it out when it affects clarity, but there is no reason at all that anyone should be chided for something as silly as a bit of extra punctuation.

Or use language the way you want, and let other people do the same. I used to correct this sort of thing, but then I realized my life is finite, and moved on to more useful pursuits. Like commenting on Lifehacker.