“police your language”
“police your language”
Nice photos, but they all have the same flaw:
Out of curiosity, since you seem to trust certain vaccines - what would convince you that a COVID vaccine is safe? Is it a timeframe thing, or a matter of who is producing it, or what? Personally, having evaluated the risks, I have decided that even given the occasional outlier side effect, vaccines are one of the…
How to Talk to Someone Who Doesn’t Want the COVID-19 Vaccine
Caulk beats foam, because it’s more dense. Foam is fairly decent at absorbing incident sound and keeping it from reflecting around a room, but it’s light, so it doesn’t block very much going through it, especially exterior noise, which has higher mid- and low-frequency content. It also doesn’t provide an airtight seal…
So...the same thing I’ve always been able to do on my Android phone? Plus, I don’t have to deal with Apple’s stupid walled garden?
I mean, as the article states, it’s more a matter of simple ignorance than actual malice. I am not one to miss an opportunity to tell someone to fuck right off, but starting out there seems pretty hostile. If they keep at it after you’ve made it clear that the question is inappropriate, though? Unleash hell.
If you thought they were uncomfortable at your lack of kids, wait until they have to confront why they actually had kids. Their rationalizations are usually fun to hear, though. They’d never admit “that’s what you’re supposed to do” or “because we were bored” or “to save our relationship”.
“Because I chose not to have kids.” That should be enough for anyone who’s not an asshole. This goes to “mind your own fucking business” pretty quick if they keep asking.
Wireless charging works best when you have a solution like the Your Phone Companion app on Android, which allows me to operate my phone with my Windows PC, including running apps remotely. It handles calls, too, with the headset attached to my computer. Being able to type SMS messages on my computer keyboard is great.
If members of my household would be happy without white meat, I would skip the turkey breast entirely. That said, deep-frying seems to be the best, most consistent way for me to get the dark meat (and crispy skin) I want, while avoiding turning the white meat into sawdust. Makes the turkey salad better, too.
Cases are spiking, therefore masks don’t work.
No, no, no, you made a positive assertion, which is that masks don’t work. Now you need to provide evidence. Not mere correlation. Not tone policing. Evidence.
Fall (as a season) is one thing. The version of fall mentioned in the article, with its focus on pumpkins and pumpkin spice, and putting red/orange/yellow wreathes and garlands on everything, is pretty strongly America-centric.
Frankly, I don’t care if a large portion of North America is experiencing cold weather similar to winter. November is fall, and Thanksgiving is a fall holiday. Period. It is not a dress rehearsal for Christmas, because it is its own (much better, IMO) holiday. I could skip Christmas entirely and not notice in the…
I would think it would be common sense that if you’re in a place with a standing mask order for face-to-face interactions, that that would hold true even if that interaction happens when one of you is in your car, or even your own home. Then again, some (selfish and/or stupid) people still doubt the effectiveness of…
Masks work. If you don’t want to wear one, because you’re a selfish dick, that’s fine. You’re free to be a selfish dick. But don’t try and justify it with bullshit rationalization. Own your selfish dickness.
Lapsang is the best. Smells like a campfire in a cup. Russian Caravan is also quite nice, for when you want just a hint of smoke.
I gave up trying to hold on to what used to be grammatically correct when “figuratively” became a legitimate defintion of “literally”, and I accepted the ever-changing nature of language. I still find myself cringing reflexively at “intensive purposes” or “honed in on” or when someone uses “decimate” to mean…
I sympathize with having a life event you were looking forward to changed fundamentally. I wouldn’t call you a selfish asshole for mourning it. We all decide how much energy we assign to what parts of our lives.