
Cory Gardner is a waste of skin who can smell the end of his term coming. Fuck that guy.

They are not gender reveal parties. They are genital reveal parties. And having a party to tell your friends and family what sort of genitals your newborn baby has is gross and weird. Enough is enough.

“Thanks, Obama!

“Nah, I keep my sports and my D&D separate, thanks.”

No, Claire, if you don’t drink your coffee black you are a poseur and a charlatan. And anything with sugar in it is for the weak. So sayeth internet randos.

Thanks for sharing. I hope your life is somewhat less empty now.

Also don’t hate someone for making the decision to abandon an artist you decided to continue supporting, or vice versa.

Cancel culture, as it is typically whined about by snowflake assholes, does not exist. Consequences exist, and people should be held accountable for being bigots.

So a plastic water bottle isn’t reusable?

I don’t need another way to play the tiresome non-game that is CAH. I don’t even need the regular way.

$150 for a chef’s knife. Ha, OK. JA Hankels [sic] probably makes very nice knives. But for $20 less, I can get a three-piece knife set of the same quality, that even (IMO) looks better. I don’t get the fancy name, though. Oh, well.

$150 for a chef’s knife. Ha, OK. JA Hankels [sic] probably makes very nice knives. But for $20 less, I can get a

At the risk of beersplaining, as a professional craft brewer for 7 years, I feel I must say the following.

You are not wrong. I do this all the time with fresh, I should give frozen a try. One thing you didn’t mention that I like - a bit of lemon zest tossed in, and then a quick squeeze of lemon juice over top after the broiler. Balances out the frankly insane amount of savoriness you get from roasted broccoli.

I believe that every meat eater should, at least once, participate in (or at the least, observe in person) the slaughter of the animals they eat. I helped my uncle process chickens on the family farm as a child, and I was present during the slaughter of several steers that my grandfather kept over the years. Those

We have a mask mandate where I live. People still show up to the grocery store unmasked, and apparently, no one on site has been empowered to keep them out of the store. So while I agree with your sentiment, many people have decided to “opt out” of basic human decency, law or not.

This is why, when I decided to make my own masks, I chose a design that ties, rather than the loose elastic loops around my ears. I can strap it more tightly to me face, which reduces the effect of my beard on the mask.

Droplets can land on surfaces, temporarily survive there, and when you touch those surfaces, and then your face, you can infect yourself. If you wash your hands after you’ve been in contact with potentially contaminated surfaces, you can reduce the likelihood of infecting yourself.

As an aside, I just wanted to say that any manufacturer that puts the gas filler on the passenger side of the car can burn in the Ninth Circle of Hell.

You are wrong. That’s what happens when you laugh instead of thinking.