
If you’re gonna go the damping route, the individual pads are better than the sheet of foam or rubber. First thing to do is reduce the contact area of the thing that’s vibrating. The less it’s touching, the less vibration gets transferred. After that, go with the softest thing you can find. If you could mount your PS4

Why did we need this comment?

I switched to Google Fi last year, when I was sick of contracts and all the other BS from the major carriers. My bill is $35/mo + taxes and fees for two phones, plus $10/GB for mobile data. I went from ~$140/mo to right around $60 on average. It did mean being more careful about my data usage, but with Xfinity WiFi

30 seconds with a fork seems to be enough to avoid big streaks of white, and I’m gonna use that fork anyway. If I needed to scramble more than 3 eggs, though, this would be a good solution. My bowls are kinda shallow. Thanks!

Ah, nationalist omelette snobbery. This is why I come to Lifehacker.

Is interocular distance covered by the FTC ruling? Because when it came to ordering glasses on the internet, that’s the one number I had to measure myself. My optometrist said they don’t measure it until I’m getting fitted for glasses. I’m pretty sure I got it right, but can I ask the optometrist to do that now?

I always crack eggs into a separate dish. More dishes, yes, but it avoids complications like shells in the frying pan, or rotten eggs in the bread dough. It doesn’t happen often, but I’d rather dirty a bowl than ruin a dish. And scrambled eggs only work properly when scrambled in a separate bowl. Fight me.

Everything you just wrote is wrong. Doctors spend hours every day in masks with no discernible widespread health issues.

Cool story, bro.

Nope. Not ever again, pandemic or no. Every single thing about the viewing experience is better at home. Not one reason to put up with any of the downsides of going to a theater.

These fucking lists. Not only do I have to wade through the stupid gallery, but the write-ups are dumb. Kevin McCallister (which is how you actually spell the character’s name) paid for his pizza, and then stiffed the driver on a tip, the opposite of what the write-up said.

Any homebrewers out there know how useful PBW is for stainless objects. Filling a water bottle’s stainless interior with a mild solution of hot PBW will remove just about anything that needs removing. That goes for glass inserts, too. Just don’t soak plastics in it, they can become prematurely brittle.

Air cannot resonate. Vortices excite vibration in nearby objects as they shed. It is the railings themselves that are vibrating and generating the ringing noise. They’re acting as Aeolian harps.

Aww. Baby want a rifle?

I’m sure they modeled the modifications to the bridge, and verified their effects on air movement. But they needed someone on the team to explain to them the concept of an Aeolian harp. Whatever model they used surely showed the vibrations that would be induced in the railings by wind, but since they weren’t of a high

So you didn’t read it either. The BLM people state IN THE FUCKING ARTICLE that they believe all lives should matter. But black people’s lives don’t seem to matter as much right now. That needs addressing. I guess they should have been called Black Lives Also Matter, or Black Lives Matter, Too, so stupid assholes on

Fuck. You.

Somehow, I didn’t think you’d have any trouble with this concept.

Some people read too much into simple punctuation. Period.