
We don’t even know if any of the events of the movie are actually happening.”

For real. Like technically the guy in ROTJ that crashed his A-Wing into the Executor had a name, Arvel Crynyd. Every Ewok had a name, like Logray, Paploo, Chirpa, Wicket, etc. That guy that Han threw a toolbox at in the shield substation was named Dyer. It’s gonna be like that. We’ll see Phyla-Vell from Guardians 3

This plan is for 2026.

Oh no papa I couldn’t possibly think of a movie, it makes me ever so tired. Oh, can you just imagine it? I shall have to retire to the fainting couch and imbibe a restorative tonic. 60 is simply too high a number, dear father, please, have one of the lads from the labor yard imagine this film instead, you know I

There’s I think officially twelve “volumes of Middle Earth” by Tolkien, though a lot of that is short stories or stuff that gets repeated or at least echoed in the Silmarillion.  Like even if you’re one of those (mostly correct) people that lump the Fellowship-Return era into one massive book, because that’s what

They used archival footage for Hadenchurch and Ifans for No Way Home because it was filmed during COVID so a few of the actors just couldn’t travel to be in it.

I mean it’s my fancast yeah.  But ultimately set photos show Esposito’s stunt double wearing some grey and orange long jacket with a bunch of daggers strapped to his chest.  I’m switching my bet to Jacob Fury/Scorpio/Kraken, a relatively minor character that as the name suggests is Nick Fury’s usually villainous

The Wizard.  And he’ll likely be in Fantastic Four as well as an alternate dimension Wizard, heading up a Frightful Four (featuring Natasha Lyonne as Medusa).

I assume that he’d pardon himself day 1, it’d be the only thing he’d even do before he started issuing EOs to jail his political enemies.

I checked and it turns out I can LARP for under 6,000 dollars.

Fine by me. I don’t get the people being all “Who the fuck cares about Vision?” because like who the fuck is Peacemaker? Except that show ruled. Who the fuck is Blade? Oh, 2/3rds of those movies ruled? Okay then. You can make a lesser known comic book character work. If the show is good the show is good, and I prefer

If I had but one wish about this revival, it would be that it’s fine if Bobby’s in a relationship now, but please let it be someone other than Connie.  The whole marrying your childhood sweet heart thing is creepy and sitcoms go to the well of it way too often.

Yeah, if their goal was to quietly cancel it, the first step would probably be to put out lots of press releases about it.

How would that lead to them giving it a stupid name? 

Right because otherwise all graduation events are 100% legally binding and if you miss them you have to do college again.

They had to rewrite the role after he passed on it, too.  Originally the character could only say “dissed” over and over.

Yeah, that’s correct, Natalie Portman plays a scrunt.

Which opinions do you think she’s afraid of giving too much of, such that people might take them and use those soundbites to create trouble?

I ran the numbers.  I’m afraid they came up negative.  Nothing will spice up this show short of the cast all being in the same room when tear gas goes off in there.

He just entered the speed force, so all that stuff is freeze-framed behind him.  Gunn’s trying to win another MTV stand up and cheer audience award.