
Hi! I studied Nahuatl linguistics, so I can provide a little color here! Xochitl means “flower” in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.

I’m pretty sure there’s just a drive axle going the length of the vehicle, and each seat/pedal set up is perpendicular to that axle and has a chain that turns that central axle.

One of the local tour operators has several mini versions with 6 seats in a circle. These have everything visible so you can see each set of pedals goes into a combining gearbox to drive the rear wheels.  

In my head, there’s a flywheel storing energy since i’d assume its mostly stop and go in the city.

I assume it’s a center drive shaft with chains to each pedal crank

This was especially hard for me too. My dad was a HUGE Tom Petty fan, and I grew up loving his music. I was driving home from work listening to the radio when I found out; I remember the DJ saying that one of the greats had just passed, and I had a flash of precognition that it would be Tom. When I heard his name I

I saw his second to last show ever at the hollywood bowl. I’m on the young side to be a big fan but I am and I had never seen him before. Of course, the show was ridiculously great, one of the best shows I have ever been to. 

“The Sokovian Accords aren’t about “if you see a situation in front of you, you have to call William Hurt first before doing anything.””

I was skeptical, but that was legit awesome. And that breakdown at 2:40 is amazing.

Years later and I’m still mad about that American-style pie nonsense. Pettily downgrading for using blueberries or matcha or whatever just keeps that American pie papercut from ever healing.

David Lee Roth is on the line. He wants you to direct the next Van Halen music video.