
Sounds more like some dude that works with Snyder said that.  Like, I think Rebel Moon sucked and Snyder’s favorite trick is a little played out at this point, but he doesn’t appear to have claimed he’s going to make a six movie trilogy, as the only quote in this article is from a guy not named Snyder.

Well what job do you have to have to be allowed to critique high art? Like, do you have a job where you’re allowed to? Do I? I’m an author. I feel like this is an important thing to distinguish so you don’t come off as some gross fuckin’ boomer saying “Well you can’t have an opinion because I think a job you have is

Is he doing a bad job at it?

I really hope that ape movie does well enough that we get a sequel called like Fall of the House of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Musk is signing those checks, so cashing them for a neverending session of easy to litigate losses makes sense to me.

Eventually the Snoot hero must battle The Unknown, the evil chocolate maker that lives in the walls!

I hope it ends on a freeze frame and then a montage of still images explaining what happened to the characters after the movie ended!

You don’t know what kind of bad I thought it was so quit acting like you do, headline.

What’s wrong with the cabinet that it isn’t fine?  You an expert on the current condition of that cabinet?

Well he plays a character named Walton Sobchunk who won’t stop yelling about how he has to give stuff up for fuckin’ Lent.  He also says “You’re in over your head, Daniel!”

Lol what a tool.

Also Guy Pearce claims to be the real Mandarin in Iron Man 3 at one point. It’s a popular role, lots of people want to get in on it.

Didn’t the Tales of the Jedi shorts kill Yaddle off pretty definitively?  It’d be weird to do a story on her specifically and now.

Well, the first and second questions at least are answered by the film. The mom is on the expedition because she’s leading it and gets to decide whether or not to hire herself. Cassie can’t take the girls to the police because she is herself wanted for murder by the police.

Solid chance it’s because she’s not playing a heroic version of the character, and is just a secondary villain to herald Galactus.

No I’m not because I’d be fine if they did that.  I just don’t think they’re going to.

It’s multiverse shit.  This is just like how we got a different Reed Richards actor already, to establish that “Hey we’re in some wacky different universe right now!”  Like, that’s the theme of this whole arc.  She isn’t replacing Norrin Rad, she’s either going to die or be left behind in universe 9999 or whatever

It’s gonna be funny to watch like most of a year of internet weirdos absolutely melting down about this only to have the movie come out and she’s just part of the setup to establish that this FF is from an alternate universe or timeline or whatever. I think it’s safe to assume every dumb goober on the internet is

He’ll be back because of the next big Avengers crossover. Secret Wars will likely hoover up a bunch of heroes that are currently on Earth into a big multiversal new Earth for combat shenanigans, and he’s chilling in Missouri or whatever it was.

You got a few “he” and “his” up in this piece, I assume just accidents.