
Actually the war had just ended with a peace treaty(that Ronan was ignoring), which sounded pretty unlike the Kree, who are usually hardline never-surrender zealot types. Could easily have been her influence making that happen.

Honestly the big thing is the Kree, and the sooner they get around to mentioning that the better for story continuity.  All those planets were either civilized already or so close to jump gates that there’s no way the Kree don’t know about them, and the Kree are hilariously zealous about killing Skrulls.  They were

Lol he didn’t even take it down. It’s still right here on his Instagram:

Honestly, poggers as.

This con really needs to be renamed more than refocused. It hasn’t actually been about comics for like 20 years, and for at least three there haven’t been any dedicated comic vendors going, because they can’t afford the booth space. But CA folks know that, and there’s tons of smaller comics-focused cons all over, you

Let’s look at the goal they’re supposed to accomplish for the Skrulls. Find them a new planet. It’s gotta be habitable, within tolerances for their unique biology (we know radiation doesn’t bother them now but like what if they can’t process salt or something?) and probably most importantly, somewhere the Kree won’t

Cultist’s Tower was awesome because it got you thinking about how else to optimize a party.  First of all you could easily gear up a few characters with relics that doubled their spells cast per turn while halving the costs, but also the tower rewarded you for bringing along the true party weirdos.  Umaro straight up

Not baby Wolverine and cartoon Wolverine! Those are the last two kinds of Wolverine that we haven’t already seen... wait, what? In 1988's X-Men Annual #12 and 1982's Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends episode “A Firestar is Born?” Oh, complaint withdrawn I guess.

You might have in the strike was announced in January. Now everything is mostly set and they’ve already published the event schedules and stuff, even for stuff like signing (which would never happen anyway, that’s definitely strike breaking). There isn’t gonna be time for a bunch of “Seth Rogen on his favorite

This is funny because it’s true that the event has been taken over in part by studios, but also the little nerd schwag line sounds so innocuous until you realize it’s the other major thing happening at the con.  You go these days and you’ll just see lines that lead to other lines that lead to lottery ticket systems of

They’ll have to do it elsewhere, no comic book shops have been able to afford booth space for a few years now.

I’m actually on a panel at SDCC this year with a union actor.  We’re there to promote various books, but Felicia Day is one of the panelists as well.  I assume she’ll be able to be there either way as a result of being there as an author, but we’ll see.  Oh lord, I just realized what it’s gonna look like if she bails

Like you can just feel him thinking “This money is gonna cost me integrity and fans. I better start out on the offensive and call everyone hypocritical children for the crime of participating in society. A little whataboutism will surely sell more pictures of chicken wings or whatever my deal is.” It’s not even good

See, the twitter one is pretty barebones. What you really want is the Instagram one that had this as the anticipatory opening defense.  Like he knew he was about to say something wildly unpopular because a company was going to pay him money.

Is that Northrend one where you absolutely positively have to torture a guy still in the game?

Oh well that’s a shame. I would have hoped they’d bond over both being NFT dipshits.

Yeah, that’s almost certainly what it was. All Rey (A FEMALE) discovers that a boy jedi is worse than ANOTHER FEMALE, and that that one will become the new Jedi girlboss forever. Meanwhile all the boys from Star Wars died of space cooties and manspreading.”

Back in ‘77-80 the big rumor was that Boba Fett (revealed in the holiday special and promised to be in Empire) was going to be Luke’s long lost dad.

I doubt there’s even the first hints of a script here. This movie was 100% the result of a meeting between Bad Bunny and some Sony exec, followed by some intern googling “Latino Spider-Man villains” at 3 am.

One for Martin, two for Martin! Would you like another recount?