
One nice thing about the 40k Commander precon decks was that even cards that weren’t original to the set were extremely well rethemed with new art and flavor text connecting them to their theme.  This was true even between the decks, there were four different Sol Rings with four different themings for Chaos, Necrons,

I have a buddy that’s an absolute board game lifer, his trunk is just dozens upon dozens of games that Target wouldn’t even look at, and I myself am more of a visitor to the realm.  I like Sentinels of the Multiverse, Dice Throne, even Gloomhaven is fine.  He knows exactly what my limits are, never recommend anything

Was surprised to see Twilight Imperium so high in the rankings, but the BGG post explains it well.  People that are willing to play a space diplomacy board game that takes like a minimum of eight hours for a playthrough enough to review it are going to be very bought in by the time they review it somewhere.

Pretty simple.  A lot of people are experiencing burnout or fatigue or whatever, then being unable to recognize that that’s a subjective, internal, them problem, so they say they aren’t burnt out, it’s the franchise that got bad.  Some of those people also write articles.

Wouldn’t bother me if they did get together, as long as it didn’t specifically come at the excision of the “Ryuji’s first friend” version of the story. Like, it’s just another dialog tree, we don’t have to spend forever arguing over which one we gotta shoot behind the woodshed.

That said, you really trust Atlus to make

If it was anything revelatory we’d have heard about it while they were busy making a documentary.  It’s just gonna be grainy gun camera footage and the same rotating cast of talking heads saying like “And obviously the ancient Egyptians knew.”  Bonus points if they mention the fucking Dendera light again.

Gonna venture a guess and say that Stature as a character has been around longer than you, Kylie.  Her first appearance was in 1979.  This isn’t new stuff.

Been a while, but I’m pretty sure Brock told a guard he had keys up his ass, and when they went in to get them he clenched hard enough to break the guys arm and then used him as a club to beat his friends, but it was Brock’s ass doing the grabbing.

They always default to kids. D&D is wildly skewed towards adults 30-50 in terms of who is actually playing it.

That movie didn’t have any old beardy white dudes in it. Dude better be playing Jumba.

There’s a fairly famous comics scene of him being casually dismissed as a non-threat by Thanos, then Kang just touches him and accelerates his local time, turning Thanos into a skeleton in a second.

You know they say all sliders are created equal, but you look at White Castle and you look at other sliders and you can see that statement is NOT TRUE! See, normally if you go one-on-one with another slider you got a 84/16 mix of bun and grease. But a White Castle Slider is a genetic freak, and it’s not normal! So

The problem is just that his choice of rationale was “fidelity.” If it had been as simple as “personal preference” or “a sense of discomfort” you’d see a lot less kerfuffle about it. The problem of course being that he’s equating sex scenes with infidelity, and sort of inadvertently accusing everyone else filming sex

And they’ve already connected Blade to Black Knight for some reason or another.

Remember when we went headfirst into crypto and had some completely cringe tweet about how all his haters can’t possibly be creators?

Honestly my very first guess was that big foil “balloon kid” type balloons aren’t that hard to get, and a lot of right wingers recently got it in their heads that “shit in the sky over the US” is really bad press for Biden.  It’s unlikely though because they’d be bragging about it.

His daughter being a human still would be a really weird twist, as they made him “Kylosian” in the first movie instead of just a green human mutate.

Gunn said during the second one that Baby Groot was a new person and not just GOTG Groot regenerating.  He’s his own buff new boy.

Endgame actually handled the old Nebula/New Gamora relationship pretty well.  We got a little bit of Nebula quickly converting Gamora, reestablishing the sister bond Gamora secretly wanted anyway, and the shot of Nebula looking on as nu-Gamora knees Quill in the nuts before agreeing that yeah, it was him or some tree.

Fuck you, headline writer guy!