
That’s just Sharpton, he had his saturation surgically turned down in the 2010s while he was already in for an issue with his vertical hold.

That woulda been something! Maybe they could have called her... Titania!

If I was gonna blame anything besides bad marketing, it’d be Martin Short’s yelly, stupid, harbinger of Jar Jar performance.

I remember seeing it vividly, because it was the only movie I ever saw at a drive-in as a child. The rotoscoped skeleton sequences were super cool. The Prydain chronicles are also absolutely worth reading.

What’s always amusing to me, the critical outsider, is how all these high priced tasting menus sound the same every time. Like I saw the headline and just thought “Well, let’s read ahead until we hit foie gras, iberico, and truffles.” The only thing I was surprised by was that they substituted fancy spanish tuna for

 Maybe they can call him for something else.  Dude plays a good creep.  But like, the whole reason the X-Men movies are so far off still is waiting out the actor contracts, right?  If they wanted him as Xavier, they’d be in prepro already.

Heck yeah, ever seen McCinsey’s Island? Tour de force performance.

I think I’ll just buckle out.

Really not super complicated, he wants to play his Thor Lear.  Fine, big up his beard, give him his eyepatch, and you don’t even have to kill him, just have him ride a chariot off into the distant universe to explore creation, maybe leaving behind Love to be raised by a certain awesome Korbonite.

We don’t know Cap is dead.  We just know he’s really old.

Captain America vs. The Serpent Society. It was a joke announcement they made at a Comic Con or something, basically a slide in a presentation before they announced the real title was Civil War.

It was probably because he’s already been in two MCU movies (plus an Easter egg cameo in Endgame) and the What If show.

Yeah, telling me something is better when I’m stoned just tells me it isn’t especially funny unless I’ve been chemically altered to find things slightly more funny. Like saying “This is almost funny! If you’re in a state where you’ll giggle at a word being repeated too much, it’ll get you there!”  And this is coming

I’d watch it.  But more seriously what’s happening here is they’re setting up a bunch of other teams.  We’ve definitely got a Young Avengers/Champions in there, plus a Midnight Sons, we already know about the Eternals and Thunderbolts and Fantastic Four, and then there’s probably enough gas left in the tank between

So is he on tour or are you splitting one interview into like fifteen outrage click articles?  You’re slicing this guy’s indignities awful thin here.

I would have believed “Secret character from Toejam & Earl” or “Paris 2024 Olympics Mascot” before a Pokemon.  Something about the belt seems to mess it up.

All soups that contain a grain element are actually bowls of cereal, got it thanks.  Also sounds like according to the definition of cereal, all pasta, bread, and anything made with flour is a cereal.  Bowl of spaghetti?  Baby you got a bowl of cereal.

Unless you are yourself like 14, I think you may not hold up as a representative sample pool.

That’s just what I’d expect Renfield to say.  This proves nothing!

Quality horse meat at cheese prices?  Don’t change a thing, Subway!