
Does this production have different access to Tolkien materials than the movies did?  They couldn’t use the blue wizards in those, which was why Gandalf just said he forgot their names.

The only thing I didn’t like about this episode was how sitcommy it was about having a real-world guest star. Everyone is all the sudden the biggest fan of Megan Thee Stallion in the world, and they are constantly saying her full name, even both people in conversation with each other would be like “You also love Megan

He said shiv, not shank.

It’s Sharon, come on now.  Who out there is more suited to try and steal powers than the Power Broker?

I was guessing Val Fontaine or Sharon Carter, the current literal Power Broker.

A broken clock on military time is only right once a day, so there ya go.

I dunno man, politics ain’t Newton’s laws of thermodynamics or whatever, I dunno why some dorks always think it’s gotta be equal and opposite on either side of the aisle. Consider pairing this reading with: a chilling out.

I think the sole shared season for all of those reprobates is 1990. Must have been just all the 80s businessmen dumping their end of an era cocaine and spare money in the Hudson.

Even the funniest guy on Earth can’t make conservative American political comedy work.  The material never coheres into anything but name calling and “kids these days” type grandpa rants. 

The only thing that surprises me about this tasteless predictable bullshit is that it beat the obvious porn film to the market.

Cornered and eaten by feral ALFs.

As a huge fan of shows about veterinarians and a fan of fantasy stuff in general I was briefly excited by the potential of Dragonitis, then disappointed again.

Let’s not pretend that’s entirely China.  China fucking loves the Fast & The Furious Franchise, and they don’t cut Tej out of the marketing.  Boyega was done dirty for American racists too.

The Force Awakens was the one that confused me, because the world fuckin’ loved it, but other than being fine with the new characters, the whole thing to me felt like just a theme park ride version of the original trilogy.  Just rush from thing to thing, do it all again, joke about how you’re doing the same shit again

Eh, you’re reading into it a little.  I’m not pooh-poohing all fashion discussion.  I like fashion, and I like dresses, and I like red carpet dresses.  That thing, which appears to be if Swarovski had a decoration line at Spirit Halloween stores, sucks ass in particular.

I have been seeing tweets about that dress incessantly all day and I just don’t get it, it’s just a loose pile of jewels.  She’s dressed like an ambulatory dragon hoard.  I’m sure it must be terribly precious but I would have experienced the same emotional impact if she had just worn a printout of her bank statements.

That’s fair. Honestly this will sound frustrating, but I’m not watching this, I clicked on the article to see if anyone was going to mention how ridiculous all these wigs are. I just commented because the whole “The writers have to write this because they previously wrote this! What are they gonna do, change what they

The problem with that is that the horrifying situation you presented, that “The alternative was the death of both mother and child” was also written by the same people.  It’s just kicking the can up the road.  If they wanted to avoid sexualized violence, they could have.  It’s not like they don’t have the delete key.

That’s fair, and I’m not gonna begrudge anyone their viewpoint on the material. That said, it definitely wasn’t a woman scorned trope, since that generally describes a woman that has been “done wrong” by their significant other, and all Vision did to her is die. This is more of a generic Falling Down-style succumbing

Given that WandaVision was 100% for sure “Wanda’s heel turn: the show”
 I can’t agree with that.  Like she ended the show with the blackfingers mumbling spells to herself in a mountain cabin and using magic to spy on her kids in other dimensions.  She had already turned before Raimi saw a script.