Can we also mention how good Khonshu looks in a business suit? That was great.
Can we also mention how good Khonshu looks in a business suit? That was great.
Eh I think one quick shot of some magic happening is a little different from one of those “whole climax is trying to turn off the huge blue spotlight” things that are the actual meme. Most of the “stuff in the sky” from this climax was a giant croc lady fighting a giant bird skeleton, which is certainly novel enough…
No huge beams, but some ghosts come out of people and go into a kaiju croc lady’s glowing mouth.
That’s just what Harrow’s particular intersection of metaphysical death awareness looked like. Tawaret explained it a while ago.
Yeah, it’s a weird one, since you see it pronounced in other words like Tenochtitlan and Quetzacoatl. It’s not quite just “cheel,” but that’s close enough for everyone really, like if her name was in a sci-fi book it’d be “So-Chee’l” or something.
Geez, I sure hope they have time to have another falling out with Margera before he makes whatever this is worse.
Why doesn’t this Marvel studios movie reference the Sony cartoon Spider-Man movies? I am pretending to be so confused about this!
If they watched those, they’re familiar with Shifter and Downpour, the new versions of the Wonder Twins.
Is this article seriously “Dave Chappelle said some shit I’m not allowed to tell you?” What a waste of fuckin’ time. I’ll just go find someone who will tell me, instead of treating “Did a millionaire bigot apologize or not” as a fucking movie preview.
Ooh ooh I vote for any sentence starting with “Methinks” being the thing no one can ever say again!
Not sure why you think they’d change anything, their drive-thru is packed with a line into the parking lot at every location for every hour they’re open every day at every location. I barely even try to go to them and I live with a few miles of three of the damn things they’re so crowded. What would fixing their…
The stated reason isn’t in the article and it’s fairly boring. Ant-Man is just further along the pipeline for visual effects completion, and there’s a world wide backlog for that kind of work right now, so The Marvels is stuck in that doldrum. Ant-Man will just be ready sooner, and that means ready to start the…
Marvel rules means they’d have to first let Edgar Wright camp on the project for a few years.
Ooh, what’s this article? Scenes from an upcoming Dr. Strange movie? Well, I am a spoiler-averse person, so I could merely choose not to click on it. Or, and bear with me on this, I could click on it to whine about it, respond to myself with extra whines, and finish it off with a “I might quit this very website” type…
Love the acknowledgement that we’ve already seen an afterlife or two in the MCU, with Tawaret referencing the Ancestral Plane as a lovely place to see.
God I hope he just fights another symbiote.
We already did the Ghostbusters song one note at a time in a minor key on piano to indicate haunted and epic at the same time, right? Guess the next one will have to be a minor-key piano version of Jackie Wilson’s Higher.
I’m going to go ahead and guess that Ocasio was attached to an “unnamed Sony Spider-Man movie” since his agents got him a meeting a while ago or something, because this very much sounds like they’re working backwards from the star.
Lol you’re a google away from a fun surprise.