
Personally? No. But it has nothing to do with ethics, I just don’t like lurid sensationalism and armchair detective work.

There’s one across the street from me here in San Diego and Jesus is it a boring donut place.  Everything tastes like it comes out of the same pipe.  They have 28 donuts in every flavor from regular to normal to same.

I dunno, I’ve had any other cinnamon roll.

I was sort of hoping it was a trick and he introduced Me First and the Gimme Gimmes after 10 seconds or so.

Just making me nostalgic for HYDROOOOOOOO THUNDER!

I thought the “they don’t work” thing regarding stones in Loki was specifically that they don’t work in TVA headquarters.

Scrolls to next article:

“My head fell off Cassian, so you’ll have to carry around this part of me that talks but doesn’t move until we get to droid store in episode 8!”

I imagine we’ll see a few seconds of K2, since he costs a ton per minute.  My money is on minor movers and shakers from around this time.  Garindan, the Tonnika sisters, Bail Organa, maybe some of the hangers-on from Jabba’s palace.  What would be neat to see is an older Enfys Nest, but I bet that character is DOA

Wasn’t that in the first episode?  It was part of the setup that the rich family is poor now.  I tried the first two episodes and I don’t think Neely is well suited to trying to ape Bob’s Burgers and Schitt’s Creek at the same time.  This lacks the absolutely weirdness and thoroughly despicable leads that made China,

Seriously, how many nothing movies slide by under the radar every month where we gotta constantly hear about this one?  Does it owe AVC money or something?

Hell the rabbit girl wasn’t the problem with that one, it was the pacing.  So much expository rambling, then suddenly rabbit girl is a jedi and it’s time for a fight that presumably sets up the actual story to be told later.

I also didn’t read the mayor as fat, just “huge.” Like he had been lucky/evil enough to spend his life eating well and staying strong through working out instead of just working, and he had kind of a Judge from Blood Meridian vibe. Heavy sure but in that way where you’re still pretty sure he could kill you with his

Oh I have nothing against this guy. I am just sick of Trump impressions. I keep hoping I can go an hour without someone reminding me of him.

She kinda looks like Leslie Hall from Yo Gabba Gabba:

That’s a shame.

Fine I’ll say it.  If you need a big mouthful of rock salt so your drink won’t taste like shit, you could probably find a better drink.

He’ll be about as memorable as Jason Sudeikis as “the main angry bird” and whoever voices that gorilla in Sing.

If you wanted to know if this was safe to google but are stuck in the greys, yes. It’s just roughly Japanese for “The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach” and is extremely tame. Mostly it’s just a weird oddity in the same way as the live action movie, in that it has only the barest resemblance to the plot of the

Great chance to retool the show a little because honestly I could do with about 105% less “My ex-wife, right? What a ballbuster!  She’s all take out the garbage and I’m like no thank you I will be in my space mancave drinking porno with the football beers” type jokes.