
Live action? Yes. In general? That’s going to depend on how you feel about 1986's Super Mario Bros.: Peach-Hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen.

They’ve streamlined his involvement so much he doesn’t need to actually be in the film, he’s just already blocking cars in Hollywood while dancing in a weirdly tight Lakitu costume.

Dude looks like Teller. 

Porque no los dos?

This is only cool if it leads to some new stuff instead of endless Wonka and BFG prequels.

Lemme get the Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar up in a miniseries.

Title of “What if... Thor was an Only Child” left me wondering if that means Hela just never existed in that universe either, but sadly, it wasn’t part of the story (I say sadly because having Cate Blanchett pop up to goth out the party a little would have been fantastic).

Also Selvig doesn’t show up in person but he

It’s funny because this is a dumb comparison even if the answer is no, which is isn’t.  Atheism is a religion because it purports to know something unknowable, that there specifically are NOT any gods or anything.  If you wanna try catching people in dumb logical traps with false comparisons in the future, I’d

Sounds like the Boba Fett thing is just gonna be a clip show about his previous appearances, basically one of the MCU deep dives they usually use as previews before a new show comes out.  Not Book of Boba Fett, more like “In the beginning he was a little clone kid blah blah here’s Kathleen Kennedy on the power of

Dang guess I was typing fast.

Hmm, two ways to take that. First one: A is Asexual, not Ally. That’s the hopeful one, that you thought it was Ally and rightly though that didn’t count.

Wow that’s like a month further out for the Shang-Chi release than the originally stated 45 days.  Guess the box office was impressive enough to keep them possessive.

We’ve sort of hit a point in queer discourse where B and P are entirely interchangeable anyhow. That’s not to say there aren’t reams of arguments about that hundreds of forums long, but ask a bi person and a pan person what they’re into, you’re usually gonna get two extremely close answers. I think a lot of people

Strong “McDonald’s is the best restaurant” energy here.

As always you can’t give a game credit for something it doesn’t have by saying that other people could add it to the game later.  Not putting that stuff in the game was a choice that someone made.

That’s a crutch to get out of admitting a game has problems, and it creates a new set of problems for DMs.  Now they’re being judged on the merits of their own capability AND their special power to mitigate a shitty game.  They’re just another player after all, you gotta quit assuming they’re magical.

Honestly that sort of thing is totally unnecessary. Narratively there’s not much difference between a laser and a slingshot, they hurt someone at a range. Unless your game is specifically about how unfair it is that one side has lasers, you can almost always just reskin weapons into future tech equivalents with little

Snobbery feels both harsh and wrong, since the author’s suggestion list is pretty shallow too.  I’m guessing it’s honest concerns over D&D coupled with a not-especially deep bench of where to go from there.  People can think D&D kinda sucks for reasons besides countercultural cred seeking, you know.

Yeah, no one ever talks about D&D anymore!  *checks internet* Oh wait no, 95% of all internet RPG conversations are about D&D and have been since Tim Berners-Lee.

Compliments don’t work either, and insulting the game is more fun.

Oh everyone adds one, I just personally am grateful they aren’t actually in the game. Mathematically, they work against the players after all. If you do something gory to a kobold, who gives a shit, they were gonna die at the end of that fight no matter what and they were only a hit or two from that death anyway. But