
I don’t believe in anything even remotely resembling a christian afterlife, or any afterlife really.

Not to be a jerk & I hope he recovers, but I’m more concerned about his partner, Kasi Bennett and their daughter, Olympia Lightning. I’m fresh out of sympathy for entitled, rich celebrities who arrogantly think that rules shouldn’t apply to them AND that they’re immune from consequences (pun intended). So many of our

This was a lot of knocking and noise warrant. In that respects, it was okay. Honestly, if they put in as much effort doing some confirmation of addresses as they did in putting on their swat gear and planning this op, they could have prevented this situation.

Something about stupidity and prizes?

The only thing I’d say is that it’s not new. For example, the KKK always considered themselves good Christians.

I can do reverse classism like the next person, with the exception of the children’s. The kid did not choose her privilege and so far she seems to be reacting to her circumstance in a commendable way. She has a political conscience that many her age don’t gave regardless of their origins.

Claudia Conway has very publicly disavowed her parents’ politics many times. 

“We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and ‘tweens starting a new academic year, in middle school and high school; George and I have realized that we’re basically ruining all of their lives with our stupid bullshit.”

So... the Trump family knows he lies, believes that the others are going to cheat other family members out of money, knows that he has profited from cheating the tax system and abusing the bankruptcy codes, and is morally appalled by actions he is taking in the name of “security”... and still does jack shit, except

So, if a WHITE PERSON does something, YOU’RE HERE to tell us that BLACKS do too??? Can you just QUIT-US??? Why do you need us soo bad??? I would LOVE, JUST LOVE to see how our WHITE SOCIETY would act, continue to act if they were SUBJUGATED by BLACKS! Fukk, a couple thousand people killed on 9/11 and YOU FUKKS blew up

“Well, you see Andy...she was coming right for me, so I really had no choice but protect my life...”

Even putting police brutality aside, he is really, REALLY bad at his job, from beginning to end.

White Jesus would be climbin’ off the cross, “Oh hell, no. Father forgive me, but I ain’t dying for this bitch...”

Even White Jesus would be embarrassed for this clown lady.

I’m happy to see her mending from her wound, and happy for her success. what I really want to know is, is she going to press charges against the joker who shot her, or just let him walk?

Fuck that asshole.

Wanna bet?

“ if President Obama didn’t find and take out Black woman-loving, porn-obsessed, cave dweller Osama Bin Laden...”

No one saw this coming? I mean, it’s not like we live in a country that swears to their bastardized god that they’re nothing like they’re slave owning, murdering, raping etc predecessors while going ape shit over the toppling of those murderer’s statues. Yet here we are.. a victim of police brutality can’t even have a