
Barbers Hill School” This would be the name of the school. How fitting. How sad that we’re still fighting for an education over our hair. Just our whole being, upsets white folks. When will they overcome?

I never get tired of RWNJ self pwnage.

So you’re saying that a man that has been married three times, filed for bankruptcy multiple times, been sued for breach of contract countless times, asked a foreign adversary to interfere in a Presidential elections and dodged the draft five times, bragged about it and insulted a POW to boot is an untrustworthy

That’s the point, my friend. They don’t CARE about the policies. Any more than they cared about Obama’s policies. The motivations are deeper and more sickening than that. 

I frequently drunk endorse Trump on Facebook, even though he is the worst President the US has ever had. 

I know how he feels. I constantly post opinions like “Raisin Bran #1 cereal” when in actuality that is not my position.

My problem with shit like this is that they always go to the lowest rung possible  to insult someone. Instead of attacking her about her policies, her work in the past,it goes straight to insults or name calling.

The people calling her a “hoe” are the same people supporting a man who had sex with prostitutes while his third wife was pregnant.  The current president is the hoe.  So this insult doesn’t even make sense.

Yeah that is the biggest BS and basically says “This does reflect my views but now Im sad I said what I thought out loud because it costed me personally.”

“The phrase I posted does not reflect my personal views at all,”

>>“He adds that he saw the phrase and “copied from others.”

#1 Isn’t it ironic when bald dudes are named Harry?

Good thing he didn’t vandalize a DA’s office in the process, then he might be looking at 25 to life for a really heinous offense.

You’re right, when a story comes out about cops pointing assault rifles at children, we should all try to consider just how difficult a job they have and how grossly incompetent we are compared with the noble and righteous police, and thank them for not murdering those kids in an unfortunate misunderstanding.

You don’t understand. He needed that firepower. They had ...

Mr Sanders, I would like your ass to strap on the pads and start running routes because if not, sit your ass down, sir!!

You know what? I’ve thought about this long and hard and I’ve concluded that Deion Sanders ain’t shit!

If Deion is so sure it’s safe to play, then why doesn’t he suit up and return to the field? Is he afraid to leave his comfy studio cube?


“That’s not a person whatsoever”