
Not proud anymore, eh?

There’s a saying in my community that goes a lil’ sumpthin’ like this: “all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk”, and it aptly describes Lil’ Enrique; he hasn’t come to terms that he’s one of us and conversely, we don’t claim him.

That’s fair.

And add to it that he was an informant for the Feds well-prior to all of this as well.  That’s going to keep his dance card full while he’s in the clink.  

I’m almost curious how things will work out in prison for him. I assume he’s too dark for the prison nazis to accept him while he also gets rejected by any minority group because of his proud boys leadership. It may take until that second month of getting traded like currency.

Henry bragged about his role in things. Henry got his wakeup call. Henry FA & FO. Dassit.

They have no actual positions or politicians that are trying to politic, they are just grifting at this point, straight grifting, there is literally no substance to the GQP at this point.

BAM!!! He got what he deserved!

Lol @ the greys “ He wasn’t even there that day!”

I still think that had it been a group of Black folks engaged in a similar type insurrection, they’d all get the death penalty.

You think the “Told you so” aspect of a man of color being the one getting the longest sentence after taking sides with white supremacists has hit him yet, or will that happen the second month in prison?

“I am profusely sorry for what happened to you that day,”

I am profusely sorry for what happened to you that day,” Tarrio said while crying.”

This is the leader? What a fucking bitch-ass snowflake pussy.

I’ll probably get kicked for this. However, I think the parent of the child should be held accountable as well. Parents aren’t teaching their children a damn thing.

Not sure why Sandra Bullock should be punished for the fuckery of the person she portrayed.

So, six cops get to this house early in the morning and then decide “well, we’re already here. Don’t want to waste the trip, might as well arrest her anyway?”.

“Gotdayum this these Montgomery ninjas aremade of iron.”

We now know who he is: Aaren, a 16-year-old teen, happened to be a colleague of the Black bodyguard who was attacked by white boaters.

Now playing

My body temp is 98.6F, so I am in the Danger Zone?