
“-Owens banged on the door so hard, everything started shaking and she thought the door was going to come off,” she said in court.

I dunno, I think the Karen-osity power could be focused, channeled and poured in just the right way... perhaps it could be tested on the Texan governorship first!

Creating? They’ve done it for over 20+ years partnering with the GOP dirtying up black and brown folk to scare the bejesus out white folks, particular suburbanites into voting for them and hating Us. Divid and conquer. 

There are limits to the power of their Karen-osity.

It’s so sad when someones racist internet rant can’t even pass the “opening paragraph of wikipedia article test”

Or.. maybe Halle Bailey was the actor that impressed the casting people the most.

Have you read the original fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, you well versed defender of Western culture and history? Have you spent even the time to read a text that’s just 20-page long? Because (SPOILER ALERT) the mermaid fucking dies.

Hey, it’s that thing people who don’t know what words mean always say. 

What is Rather WRONG with you, if I may Rather ASK? 1984!!!


I have met people. And I tend not to care what they think about movies.

“It’s about ethics in [movie] journalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!!!!!1!11"

Meanwhile this comment section contains one person talking about how a remake of an American movie from 1989 is European folklore, one person using the phrase “journalistic ethics” (in caps) to describe user reviews, and one person whose post is “Interesting... So [statement unsupported by fact].”

There was a similar article a while back, some other thing was review bombed, and I asked the general question of who even paid attention to these crowdsourced review sites and a few people apparently thought they were very important! They were like “I don’t want a review from some stuffy professional critic who

There are other reasons disgruntled Internet denizens might review bomb The Little Mermaid (desperately flailing to fill the void inside and give some semblance of meaning to their purposeless existences).

Public rating system’s like IMDB’s don’t actually reflect anything useful, so why would I pay any attention to those numbers?

I’m glad I never watched this show.

1. These pigs aren’t serious about holding anyone accountable (like it was even a plausible consideration) Suspended with pay? What kind of bullshit is that? When you’re home and are still getting paid, that’s not a punishment; that’s a vacation.

Someone owes reparations.

The past participle of “tear” is “torn.”