
He is the her kid; she shouldn’t have hit him. Or pulled his sisters hair.

My mother has never done anything other than sun tea in the summer. I'm almost 38 and no one has ever gotten ill from it. All of my aunts and cousins do it, now that I think about it.....

Um......if you're his therapist, even part-time.......why are you f#$%ing him? That's not what the privilege in patient-client privilege stands for.

I think it was more of a thought that the black woman thinks only white women can solve this and even they can’t do it on their own. I mean, they couldn't manage after a bunch of lily-white younger kids, so clearly being white doesn't solve all problems. Otherwise, after Newton, guns would have been GONE.

You have GOT to be kidding me. People are purposely negatively weighing down this movie, and others, and you go with "voter suppression?" No. Just stop. Even if you're a troll, this is stupid and anyone reading your reply wasted 30 seconds of their life and they can't get that back.

Exactly. It’s why officers are trained to work in pairs in a lot of places. Where I grew up, two cops to a vehicle is how patrols usually worked for most calls. For just this reason. Mr Hero cop here ran in and when that kid came out of that hallway, he got jumpy and shot him. I do think race was partially involved,

I seriously hope she’s paying Cardi until her hair is the color of Cardi’s at that Met Gala.

I meant my comment to be here:

They can’t pardon him for state charges.

And therein is the problem folks.

Those slaves were sold before he had any rights to them, the ability to sell them or the ability to profit from the proceeds of their sale. Some of the money was his wife’s dowery. I expect he'd have been a lot more well off before going to Washington if he'd owned all those slaves upon marrying Mary Todd.

.......this (former) cop is full of shit. There. I said it.

The mother didn’t watch it. She said she refused to.

They have GOT to be f@#$%&n kidding me...........wait, I went to schools in a rich, predominantly white county. Nevermind.

Well, at least this person tried to do the right thing...which apparently is about to be undone.....

That possible cancer would possibly BE long term. I’m not touching any vaccine for this that’s made before 2022. I’ll just keep wearing my mask and staying indoors as much as possible. I’m not exactly the picture of health anyway and I’m allergic to the flu vaccine(that was a fun one to find out.)

And I think that’s ridiculous. This is distance learning. If this child was on campus and this gun was on his desk, then hell yeah, report his ass and get him out of the room! Other kids are in danger! That’s why they have reporting rules in place. NOT because you see an older sibling drop a gun and the kid pick it up

Well aware because I taught high school. Bought food for those kids...and coats. Most were too old to be in the foster care system, but I saw them as mine. The younger ones that needed help because parents were poor? I helped along with the school. I had a kid that had to go back to alternative school that begged to

What in anyone’s brain says “let me take pictures of people, some mangled beyond recognition, to show to people! This will be AWESOME!!” Like seriously!?

They must go through the judicial process. If they don’t, the students will be able to sue and get a lot of money and get back in.