
So a little girl goes to the hospital with a high fever in the middle of a pandemic in a state that is one of the largest hotspots on the planet AND THEY SEND HER HOME WITHOUT TESTING TO SEE IF SHE HAD THE VIRUS?

Still think it’s safe to open schools you stupid fuck?

This is so infuriating. I saw the fucking scumbag lawyer for the cops on the news this morning after the video was released, (I’ll see if I can find the clip), and he essentially said “The video shows what happened, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. About how the officers new him, how they knew his history, fuckin

Emergency calls are identifiable and easily traceable. The caller who falsely reported this needs to be charged with SOMEthing.

Interesting. I guess I need to update my psych knowledge out of the 90s.

AOC has every right to point out that Yoho’s non apology is trash, the man is trash and his attitude is trash and his actions display out loud for everyone to see exactly what type of trash he is.  His I have a wife and daughters is cover for his actions is pathetic as he is.  He is a white man who is afraid of

If you’re rich, you can reshape reality enough to avoid ever feeling like you need treatment.”

An unafraid woman is an inspiration. She should be no one's nightmare.

Black women are fearless. We are America’s conscious and every white person’s, worse nightmare, regardless of age, when they make the mistake of disrespecting us. 

These women are calling it like they see it, and they’re calling it right. An unafraid woman is an old white persons nightmare. 

Well said. I hope you go far in your chosen profession. 

Thank you. What started out as a depressing post has turned into a wonderful amount of support. 

Thank you for being that guy!

Thank you. That was closer to what I really wanted to say.

This post is not only unhelpful, it could be dangerous to some people. 

I have starred your comment over and over and every time I come back it seems like my star has gone. Kinja’d!

You can’t just think yourself sane.  Mental illness is not a weakness of one’s will, it is a chemical abnormality in the brain.  As someone who has suffered from depression my entire life and having to listen to people tell me to “just cheer up” for decades I can say one thing with certainty.  Fuck you.

Fellow Bipolar 2 here! *hugs from a far*

Yoho’s “apology” on the floor of The House today, from The Hill:

Thank you kindly :) <3

OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT WITH WYPIPO AND FACE MASKS? And why are the ones who shop at Florida Walmarts so damn aggressive about it?”