
Meanwhile, studies in Spain and the UK are quickly moving closer to killing the myth of herd immunity, not to mention suggesting that any vaccine will probably have to be administered multiple times per year to maintain antibodies.

Oh he has one?

Ron DeSantis has been drinking a lot.

15,300 new COVID-19 cases, which set the record for the most cases a single day anywhere in the U.S

$5 says in 2030 lung damage from covid will be considered a preexisting condition. 

“NO! BAD KAREN!” *spray spray*

I somewhat disagree. I’d say most “Karens” are a real bitch - but I do think the rolled up newspaper lesson is a nice idea.

Spanish is also a language for murderers, rapists, thieves, etc.

New Hampshire, so she should be speaking an Algonquian. Oh, she can’t; most of those languages are dead because we genocided their speakers so thoroughly. 

This story reminds me of an encounter I had a few months ago at work. One of my coworkers at the time was Dominican and he and I would speak spanish periodically. I spoke basic conversational (how are you, what are you doing, etc.) spanish so it was just practice. One day my white female supervisor slipped in a

He left out my favorite song:

This sack of shit needs to understand that English is a foreign language in this stolen country. English is the language of murderers, rapists, enslavers, interlopers, thieves, kidnappers in this country and elsewhere who cannot do anything for themselves except get their racism mastered. She needs to speak the

they’re using the 'murican definition of communism, which refers to anything republicans dislike. 

New Hampshire is not known for its diversity. There are like 17 black and brown people in the whole state and she was harassing like 25% of them.

Or Marxism. Or Socialism.

Let’s not enlighten them. This self-firing business is very efficient!

I love an entire political party who has spent a couple generations defunding the schools telling other people they need to learn things.

Side note: Dianna Ploss is not to be confused with Black R&B icon Diana Ross. Although I’ve heard Ploss does have a number of hit songs herself such as: “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough...To Keep Me From Hanging Nooses,” “I’m Coming Out...As the Racist You Already Knew I was,” “Stop in the Name of...I’m About to Call

So my girlfriend and I were running errands this weekend, doing the curbside pickup at a couple shops. One shop is adjacent to a cafe with patio seating, which... ok fine. I’ve got my mask on even if they don’t (because they’re drinking coffee and... oy) and this is going to be quick.

I really don’t get white people demand other folks speak English either, and I’m white.