
Or just try talking to a person of the opposite sex about anything but themselves. As a man, I get along with women way easier than I do with men, because of my childhood. However, I realized the older I got, the more defensive women are at first, as they assume all men try to flirt with them when trying to get their

I'll chime in:

"Why do actions happen and are never referred to in the narrative arc again"? "Why does everyone talk in a breathy, eyes-way-too-wide fashion?" "Why should I care about Quinn?"

I'm not making a #notallmen argument here, but I think a lot of guys just don't understand what "entitled" means. This guy—he's obviously way, way out there, and probably doesn't apply, but I didn't realize that acting "entitled" is actually a thing until very recently, and I'm 30 years old. Generally, I try to

Let's not forget "why are two brilliant and gorgeous women competing for the attention of an abusive manchild?"

"What happened to the President's eyebrows?"

I can understand how some parents feel about their kids being exposed to Scandal at such an early age. I mean, think of the questions those parents have to deal with like "Why aren't there any believable characters? " or "Does Kerry Washington really think quivering her lip conveys the entire range of human emotions?"

Well, just imagine how I felt when I sat down for Grey's Anatomy and was greeted with Charlie Brown. I'm confident that I was more upset than the kids who might have witnessed a few seconds of naughty touching.

Okay, I'm gonna have to disagree here. The world Martin portrays is incredibly misogynistic, but he presents it as a bad thing, and writes a bunch of amazing female characters struggling against it and succeeding in spite of it. I don't think he writes it as "that's just the way it is, so deal." They're working to

First, thank you for entrusting me and everyone else with what I can only imagine is an incredibly sensitive and trying part of your history. I truly appreciate the courage and earnestness of that divulgence.

90% of the people in Slytherin weren't evil. Snape was a Slytherin and he gave his life to defend Harry Potter defying evil all the way.

The people in Slytherin are very smart, but also very easily swayed towards the easier side of life which is why crime is something they get into. i.e. why work hard when I can just

I get kind of offended when people refer to being high on pot as "tripping". Take some LSD or mushrooms and then come talk to me about tripping, damn punks.

Um, okay. So we should also make alcohol illegal b/c some noob may drink 3 long island iced teas because they didn't realize how strong they are and they just taste so good and end up vomiting their life away into their toilet at 2 AM? So it is alcohol and society's fault for not telling me—i mean, that hypothetical

people hate it though when your facts muddle their

I am in a hotel in Washington, DC, and my boyfriend is taking a bath, reading. I barge in, demanding to know if all men are terrible, eyes blazing.

Over and over again, I've seen commenters, bloggers and even a few media types make comments about how much 'better' it would have been if Rodgers had just 'had sex with hookers'. As a sex worker, I can't tell you how appalled this makes me. Please, stop wishing more of these monsters on us. We already deal with (and

Something worth noting: You will not get rich being a (small, residential) landlord. Ever. And more than likely, it will never make you financially independent. It's a hell of a lot of work, and on its own it's far from "passive" income. Here's some stuff you can do to help yourself out.

And Bernadette Peters, too!

You know what? I didn't agonize at all. I found out I was pregnant on a Friday and I went in on Monday (the soonest I could) to terminate. I knew right away that I would do it. And 5 years later I still have zero regrets.

I respect what you're saying, but by announcing that my dogs bite, there is no question about whether or not you can/should touch or approach them - my dogs. I have no problem instilling fear in a stranger, child or not, about my dogs' possible demeanor, especially since one is not good with children (as previously