
Yes, we just share credentials because we want the pro syncing features. Although you can share lists with other accounts, we don't use that feature.

YES! That was perhaps the best answer ever.

I love that she held her boobs. I would totally have to do that, too.

I totally agree. Brad Pitt has made some fantastic movies. And even the bad ones are still watchable because he's so handsome.

You are super welcome, and you sound like a great mom.

I saw Frozen in 3D with my sister, and I also cried a little at the end. I spoilered the Prince Hans twist for myself because I read the Jez article first, but my sister was shocked. She leapt out of her seat like I did when I watched Fellowship of the Ring in the front row and the giant orc jumps out at Frodo. It was

I'd just ask your daughter if she wants to go see a dermatologist. If she does, find a good one who specializes in acne (avoid places that push cosmetic procedures and feel more like a plastic surgery office). If not, don't worry about it because she isn't.

I agree. Evil Quinn is better than Hacker Quinn. I think she's gonna do something crazy to both Charlie and Huck.

My theory is he shoots one of them, leaving him for dead and takes the other into B6-13. Jake was talking to someone about how B6-13 takes over your life. I choose to believe he almost kills David and takes James to protect him, and as possible insurance against Cyrus, mostly because I want David and Abby to stay

Cyrus definitely exaggerated a bit, but if you think about it, that scandal could be the lynchpin to some kind of crazy downfall. Or, it could be the other 923597802835 scandals that could be exposed at any minute.

I was looking forward to the continuation of Mellie and the new VP candidate, but I guess there were too many other things going on in this episode. We'll get more of Mellie next one I'm sure.

I think Jake shoots one of them, perhaps David, leaves him for dead. And takes James and turns him into B6-13. Jake is talking to someone throughout the show, telling them about getting into B6-13 means no family, they own you, etc. and Quinn already knows all that, so I am thinking either David or James. I want to

It is too bad Remember the Milk isn't as popular anymore. While I haven't noticed any new features, it already has everything I need for personal tasks.

They also get into trash cans and whatnot, causing a ruckus. They're basically giant, cutesy mischief-makers that can turn into that guy who ate faces.

Maybe you should move away from dating .coms and go for .orgs. I hear they care about the world and stuff.

The big reason Ask a Manager says to not take a counter-offer is because whatever got you wanting to leave in the first place will usually still be there. Since you just wanted more money but were otherwise happy, your outlook is more likely to be positive.

The reason why you should stop wishing everyone a Merry Christmas is because a lot of people don't celebrate your religious holiday. The reason you should switch to Happy Holidays is because pretty much everyone gets at least one holiday, and it's not Christmas. Oh, and you wishing others well ISN'T ABOUT YOU. It's

You don't necessarily have to title Jack. You may not call him Uncle Jack. To you, he may just be your uncle, Jack.

Looks very similar to my playlists. I really like catchy, dancey-type music when working. It's the only thing that can keep me paying attention to what I'm doing.

The ratings definitely make a huge difference, and also what you watch.