
Lifehacker to the rescue

Lifehacker to the rescue

Lifehacker to the rescue

Lifehacker to the rescue

Lifehacker to the rescue

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Your plan should depend on why your dog is barking. My beagles, for example bark at things because they are beagles. We've trained them to stop barking (for the most part) at everyday things, but if they see some kind of rabbit-like critter they still go nuts. So that one is hard to train out of a dog. We don't leave

Thank you for all that you do.

I have a FreedomPop account and I chose the USB stick. My first month was a free trial of the 2 GB plan and it was a pretty good connection. After the free trial, I downgraded to the free and it's good enough to be periodic.


I feel the same way. I text my husband throughout the day and it's great. There are times for a phone call, and there are times for text.

It's not like she won the free surgery lottery. Are you pissed that all those inmates get to eat for free? Watch TV for free? As a society, we decided that these outcasts who committed a heinous act get to spend x amount of time in prison, and we need to ensure they have what we consider basic rights (not arguing TV

I do agree that criminals don't deserve a reward (previous comment about being willing to do the time to get a free surgery was in jest if you couldn't tell), but that doesn't really matter because you move on to say you don't believe this procedure is a medical necessity. Come back to me when you realize that

I meant, "if he/she decides to commit a bad enough crime just to get the free surgery." Sorry if that wasn't clear enough.

Totally agree about your Absolutely NOT. This should be covered through insurance (or the government if we're going all the way *gasp* socialist!, as should birth control, abortions, vasectomies, chicken pox medicine and medical marijuana/Xanax. The world could use some more pot/Xanax.