
How far we’ve fallen from the heights of Elon Sleazebaggano, who wants to sell you some death sticks. 

This is just awful news. The Mandalorian is really overrated (four episodes of story stretched over 24), and Ahsoka was terrible. And both projects will suck all the oxygen out of whatever actual new stories people want to try telling.

Ahsoka was eight seasons of thumb-twiddling filler with nothing to say and no stakes

I was expecting this to be a list of games where you shoot boomers, and am slightly disappointed. 

Fairly well-known I guess. They just stole some memes.

Unless I really know the mechanics well, I will turn the difficulty all the way down to story mode and not even feel bad anymore. Why would I want to get frustrated with a video game I barely have time for?

People who just put up a web site for the first time two days ago claiming to have been making video games for 14 years, since 2010? Yeah, that’s a red (and white and black) flag.

Not as obvious to the target audience, would have needed to be “Infestation 33, the year our glorious leader finally claimed his destiny in the Third Reich.”

88 by itself is almost certainly harmless. So is 14.

I’m happy for you that you don’t know antisemitic or white-supremacist lingo. It’s unpleasant to know this shit!

You’re not going to win in this Gamergater-filled thread, but I appreciate you fighting the good fight.

I appreciate your perspective, and if it was nothing but 1988 I might agree. (Though why 1988 of all possible years?) But then there’s the whole Maus aspect... Rat infestation using gas? It’s a few too many coincidences for me to just immediately give the benefit of the doubt.

Americans who don’t understand white supremacist lingo are being kind of willfully ignorant at this point, and dangerous because of it. We don’t live in normal times anymore.

Seems like a Catch-22. Incels are going to boycott films led by women, so of course they will have a harder time making it into the top-grossing films list. Marvels is the most obvious example, and Barbie was of course immune to them, but they do seem to have outsized influence since they have nothing better to do but

Just scrolling through pending comments from 6 years ago to magically ungrey them, like a fairy goddamn grandmother.

Not a bad list, but I’m surprised that not one Kotaku writer so far enjoyed Pikmin 4, which was my GOTY.

I’m from the future!

I’m from the future!

I held off on Switch until the pandemic, but I was happy with it eventually. Definitely fewer great games per year than any other Nintendo system, if you don’t count ports and remakes.

I 100% agree with you on Pikmin 4.

Every female character in a video game is just “male character with tits,” while all male characters are distinct in their own special way.