
I watched the video again and he doesn’t use anyone’s name. What are you talking about?

How did you realize that so quickly? Curious what your criteria are.

It’s easier to put things into a dumpster at the top than it is at the bottom, the opposite for a Cybertruck. Hmmm, I wonder if anyone ever thought about why that’s better. Oh well, if they ever did, they don’t work for Tesla anymore.

I do hate Tesla, Musk, and the Cybertruck, but I also wonder how many drivers of regular trucks ever use them for actually carrying anything. From seeing them on roads, seems like not that many. “I bought it cuz I might have to move a couch one day” seems to be the typical rationalization, and until then it must be

“The Mummy” from 1999 paved the way for the summer blockbuster as we know it? This sounds very much like what you’d say if you were born in 1993, but summer blockbusters have been around since Jaws in 1975 at least.

I couldn’t get through the opening of it since the beating to death of the physics professor felt like torture porn to me. (I didn’t know it was a Benioff-Weiss show until I turned it off and looked into it later, but then it made sense.)

Article about the actual game and what we know: 7 comments.

“I put Texas and California on the same side in the movie so you know I’m smart and both sides are equally bad and I have nothing to say about real life.”

Texas and California being on the same side is literally this director saying, “Please do not take this movie seriously at all, I have absolutely nothing to say about real life.”

I hope to read your government fanfic when we are sharing a cell in a concentration camp.

The majority of the US military wants to be ruled by fascists.

Not impressed. I’ll hold out for Spectral Resolution 64.

The Land Rover must help compensate for your fragility or...whatever.

I didn’t know “pavement” was a British thing. Growing up in Philadelphia, that was what I always called the sidewalk, and my parents had probably never even been to the UK.

All pants are “outside pants” if you wear them outside, including underpants.

Laws are different for rich people, whether in Romania or the US. 

Sure, but that’s unrelated to my point. It’s not about seeing the ending, it’s about seeing “100% of the game” in some sense. Can I collect all the trinkets? Can I finish all the secret levels? Normally I want to do all those things, not to see the secret ending but just for its own sake. And if the game makes it so

Not at all. The first party NES games were very difficult (and there were rarely percentage counters), but from SNES to Wii it was typically much easier for a player to 100% a first-party game, with a guide perhaps. 

Definitely Mario Galaxy, and not just because it’s the picture. It felt like such a huge improvement over Sunshine (which I liked well enough when it came out but really does not hold up). The orchestral music, new characters, motion controls, a genuine story, and levels that all felt very different. (64 and Sunshine

I have also been having this issue where I’ve been enjoying Nintendo games less recently, because I can no longer 100% them. And I don’t think it’s because I’m worse (although I am) but they all seem to have at least one ridiculously hard boss or level or task that takes forever and is incredibly frustrating.