
I know a lot of people like Martin Short, and that’s fine, but “Martin Short does a voice” is several negative points for me. The last time I enjoyed any performance of his was Innerspace.

Pikmin 4. 

What a weird homophobic thing to insert into this totally unrelated discussion. And I’m sure you don’t think it’s homophobic, but Christ, try reading that joke as a normal person and see how it sounds.

You are why I would never want to be associated with the term “gamer.” 


I was (sob) just happy to have my comment (sob) omitted.

Banjo-Kazooie 3

The reason this practice is commonly called “smurfing” comes from two Warcraft II players back in the ‘90s. They were so good at the game that when other players saw their usernames come up in matchmaking, they would often leave to avoid getting crushed.

Oh if that’s the case, I have no idea where you’d find that out. I and other commenters here have clearly been interpreting it as 1-18-2024. I wouldn’t mind a link to whatever you’ve seen with that new information.

In the video he says “Till 1/18!?” at about the halfway point.

If a professional baseball player decides to “slum it” and go play in a Little League game so he can dominate the kids, you’d say it’s obviously bad. This is the same thing, except it’s much easier for someone to pretend to be a kid in an online video game.

I remember when Quest for Glory II had a very positive depiction of Middle Eastern culture, and it was cool but not especially unusual. The proliferation of shooters made us all dumber. (There have been some smart shooters that subverted stereotypes, but the vast majority just reinforce them.)

They always open the gift.

Microsoft is a company that has been evil for 40 years, pretty much since its inception. I’m not even convinced that “sexual harassment lawsuit” was a negative for them. As other commenters pointed out, the scandals probably lowered the price of the acquisition. And no matter what illegal things any company in the US

“Action figures are too expensive” is such an odd way to think you’re contributing to this discussion.

I don’t like the word “fleeced” because it implies some kind of trickery, which takes too much effort. You could con a billionaire out of $40,000 every day for the rest of his life, and he’d still be rich.

I think it’s location dependent: I shop at Targets in various locations fairly often, and they always feel pretty active. Maybe the one in your area is not doing great.

I love when people give accounting advice on video game blogs! So useful.

I can’t even watch that video once. Is YouTube broken for anyone else, or just me? It pauses every 3 seconds.

It only took a year of Jacobin rule for the counter-revolution to win and the rich to take power again in the French revolution. One of the saddest tales in history, I think.