OK, but honest question: what is OnlyFans without the adult content? Cameo? I honestly don’t get the business model for anyone there who isn’t doing some kind of porn. Even the name of the site suggests a secretive parasocial relationship.
OK, but honest question: what is OnlyFans without the adult content? Cameo? I honestly don’t get the business model for anyone there who isn’t doing some kind of porn. Even the name of the site suggests a secretive parasocial relationship.
I was going to comment on Kotaku’s article about buggy software, but first I had to refresh the browser three times and wait ten minutes for the comments section to load.
I know 2008 was the last E3 where I was excited to see what would happen, reloading pages on multiple web sites to see the updates. Then I saw Nintendo’s show.
Interesting article but gets really technical (that’s fine, I’m not the audience).
Q: Are we not men?
I would have thought having a premise that’s just “zombie story #A83 for the 147th time” wouldn’t excite anyone. Go ahead and compare that to premises like “infinite original worlds to explore” like some of the other games you mentioned.
I know, right? Imagine getting excited for a goddamn zombie game in 2023 AD.
I did like the title and bought it on the Wii, but it’s hard for me to get excited for the sequel. I’m glad to hear you are though! It was a cool little game.
Jezebel didn’t go out of business because the writers were lazy. They had several deep-dive articles that were more well-researched than anything here on Kotaku (as much as I do like this site).
Yay, Pikmin 4 gets a prize. Excellent game, one of my favorites of all time.
I’ve seen each Avatar movie once and didn’t love either, but they were all right.
Agreed, what a bizarre statement to make. I doubt even Cameron, for all his ego, would claim to have basically invented motion capture in 2009.
The part where the two brothers grew up together all their lives but had completely different accents was...genius? I want to say genius?
I thought Avatar 2 was a pretty good 2-hour movie, but the version I saw had an extra hour tacked on after the whale revolution ending. I don’t know, some deleted scenes or special features or something where some dudes fight with knives underwater forever. Kind of ruined it for me because I was ready to leave and…
I also like the somewhat rigid structure of older Zelda games, but I strongly disagree that the dungeons aren’t memorable. True, in BotW they all kind of feel the same (big animal in the sky), but in TotK they all felt quite different and memorable. I think personally it was the biggest improvement in the game. The…
You should be able to play as a bear with a bird in his backpack while collecting things and playing minigames through various open-world platforming levels.
Once a person has a Netflix special, being discussed on AVclub is not going to be his main source of notoriety.
You sure have been posting a lot of “I can’t read good” comments in this thread.
Christ Matt, get a life.
That was a great episode, but I’m not sure I’d tell someone to start there. It works in part because it contrasts the rest of the show.