
What an awful waste of talent at a very good studio.

Nintendo games, especially first-party releases, notoriously never go on sale.

Oh, thanks. Sucks, but at least it wasn't because Yahtzee was secretly abusive all this time. I certainly remember Zero Punctuation but hadn't heard anything about this news.

If you’re interested in Jedi Survivor, apparently the cheapest way right now is to order online at Gamestop, then pick it up in person; that way it’s $25, which is what I just did today. Pretty good discount.

I have absolutely been in leadership roles, sometimes with extremely difficult people I had to manage, who complained constantly and were always trying to have me ousted. Very stressful!

Ugh. I really wanted to like it, but it feels like they didn’t quite nail the controls, and the load times are atrocious.

I’ve been waiting for Jedi Survivor to go on sale, so that’s my immediate plan. (Somewhat cheaper at Walmart than here, apparently.)  

This is insane. The job of a waiter or teacher is WAY more stressful than being CEO, and involves far more actual work. No CEO works 60 hours a week unless you count “business lunch” and “commuting” and “schmoozing at the strip club” as work.

The what now?

This take is crazy. Imagine thinking that being a CEO earning millions and legally immune to any consequences is more stressful than being a waitress or janitor or teacher.

but FFXVI is all but impossible to read at times. If you think this text was small on a 50” TV, it’s inscrutable on an 8-inch screen.”

It’s so sad that you made the same comment as someone else a few minutes later and hardly got any internet credibility points for it. Gotta be quicker.

It is strange how brand identities can be immune to the brand’s actual actions. Nintendo is now the platform of choice for the white-supremacist gamer who pays $8 a month for the privilege of praising Elon. Yet somehow people still will think they would never actively support white supremacy or misogyny.

This article starts with the word "cummy" and ends with the word "scummy," which was a nice way of bringing it around full-circle. 

I thought this was Deadspin for a minute and wondered why there were comments.

I don’t know about you, but for me eating pussy is way better than drinking homeopathic pussy in a mediocre beer.

I’ve lived in the US my whole life and could not pick out a single state flag, except maybe California (because it has a bear!) and Colorado (because it has the letter C). Though I might get them mixed up with each other. I’ve lived in New York and Pennsylvania most of my life and couldn’t tell their flags apart if

Good thing Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are nothing alike!

Perfectly normal reaction to this story, the therapy really seems to be working for you.

If that had been a thing in the new King Kong game, it would have been portrayed as “Ha ha look at this crappy animation.”