
People are treating it like it's a glitch in the game, rather than a possibly deliberate reference that's intentionally subverted. How incredibly stupid.

In real life, motorcycle drivers also weave between cars going slowly on highways at high speeds. I've frequently been amazed they don't die.

People saying early Sonic games are all about constant speed are like people who think Star Wars movies are all about lightsabers. Yes there are always lightsabers, but 90-95% of the movie is not that, and you are only remembering it that way because it was the exciting part.

They have been famously blacklisted by Bethesda and Nintendo. But I haven’t heard about a Sega blacklist; maybe the review is just a little delayed.

New Super Mario Bros Wii U is your reminder that until Wonder (which I hope is great), the Mario team has been godawful at recreating classic Mario game feel, unlike the Sonic team.

It can always be worse. If you’re old enough you might remember when GW Bush was the worst anyone could imagine.

It is kind of strange that the name of the restaurant is never mentioned in the article. 

Across the Pacific?

Oh, I get it now. Wasn’t quite specific enough for me (I thought it could refer to the end of Inception).

She’s from New Jersey, as the article states in the very first five words.


That’s not a fair criticism. Sometimes they were sitting. 

I thought Obi-Wan was great, but even if you didn’t like it, at least it was about something. Plus you didn’t need to do hundreds of hours of homework to figure out why you should care about the characters. 

Jesus this was bad. Loved seeing Hayden back, Baylan and Hera were very good, but this all felt like a guy smashing people together like they’re action figures. The dialogue and direction were terrible: all one-liners and “pause to look cool” and words of wisdom and “pause to look cool.” And the action scenes

People who represent themselves pro se are afforded great latitude when it comes to deadlines and proper filings. This is why Trump never has lawyers actually hired when he gets sued.

It’s a disease you can get which is worse than a cold but better than COVID.

And the Justice Department! They let him off the hook!

I get that this is a joke, but I’m not sure where the punch line is.

If you watched Cocoon when you were 12, you are now officially as old as Wilford Brimley was when he made the movie. 

Dan Harmon famously is as well, so that can’t be the reason by itself.