The Teamsters are supporting the SAG-AFTRA strike.
The Teamsters are supporting the SAG-AFTRA strike.
Not to trivialize this story, but the “Profile in Courage” award was also given to Gerald Ford in 2001 for pardoning Richard Nixon. The bar for these morons has been deep in hell for a long time.
Trying to imagine what the selling point would be. People here care a lot about framerates and such, but an average person who plays Switch games thinks the graphics look fine (and they’re often playing on the small screen anyway). If the Switch 2 is just a Switch with better graphics, I can’t imagine it being very…
I’ve been shocked at how garbage Nintendo and Sony’s online services have been lately. The price is higher than ever, but there’s nothing that’s interested me in over a year (Stray was a year ago! Banjo Kazooie was 18 months ago!). These companies have tons of historic games that are literally free for them to put on…
The interview with Jann Wenner is even worse than the summaries make it sound.
A person who falls for the line “You’re so smart, I want you to have my babies and then raise them and keep them out of my life except for occasional photo-ops, good luck!” might be one of the dumbest people I’ve ever heard of.
I think you missed the sarcastic tone of the post you’re responding to.
I was a Marvel fan in the late 80s/early 90s, and I remember when they redid virtually all of their comics to make them much grittier. Now the MCU is a much more colorful and jokey place, but back then all the movies had ultraviolent main characters with black outfits.
The most embarrassing thing I do when I’m writing an email is misspell my own name if I’m in a rush. But that’s just once in a while for me.
It’s a video game web site that updates several times a day, and this is the most popular and notable game to come out in the past few days. Expect lots of stories about it. There are also stories about other games. Frankly I don’t care about this game at all, but I don’t mind the glut of stories. It’s important to…
The best SUV is the one that, when you set it on fire, burns enough to set all the other SUVs on fire too.
It’s his own personal 35,000 foot buffer zone from all you little people.
Good point.
“This is what you regular people like, right? Suit and tie in a woodshed, right? I’m bonding with you? Should I also eat dirt? That’s what you regular people like, right? I’ll totally do it!”
Tucker Carlson looks like a 14-year-old boy who just read Atlas Shrugged, and then someone stuck a bicycle pump nozzle in his mouth and inflated him to get an old man, without knowing when to stop.
You sound like a person who’s been itching to use the n-word even though several other songs or pop-culture references might also be applicable.
This is the only good argument I’ve heard about the case, when it seems like most of the arguments are divided between one side being icky and the other being gross. I’m curious where this legal principle is written up, since I’ve never seen it stated this way before.
Absolutely nobody on earth “earns” a million dollars, as long as somebody works the same job in the same amount of time for far less. Lots of actors barely make any money.
Counterpoint: Google has gotten absolutely terrible at finding information in at least the last year, and a Google search is no longer a reliable barometer for whether something really exists.