Every article should have at least one major mistake to generate comments...
Every article should have at least one major mistake to generate comments...
At the moment he seems lucid 99% of the time, so he is certainly aware that he flaked out twice during press conferences. He knows his time is limited and his degeneration is accelerating. Savor that fact.
She is also a strong supporter of “person woman man camera TV” for President, so mental decline is not really a factor in her decision-making.
Wait, are we talking about the Wii Music guy?
There is not a single Republican living today who understands the connection between birthright citizenship and the end of slavery. If you ever so much as think about it, you get drummed out of the party and will never win another primary. It’s a party of self-lobotimizers.
I read the Iliad and I don’t remember anything about Helen of Troy’s pussy.
I suspect that would increase the approval ratings of both Scott and Santos.
What year are you living in?
The Merrick-Garlanding approach would be to simply not appoint anyone, sue in federal court over the Constitutionality of the law, and say he can’t do anything until the case is resolved (which would not be until after the next election in 2026, sadly, when the case becomes moot).
When a tragic thing happens to one of the worst people to ever exist, that’s a reason to celebrate.
The boomers said they were going to change the world by fucking and doing drugs, and then got old and voted for Trump. What a bunch of jerks.
I suspected based on your other comments that you were a gleeful and unrepentant criminal, and that was the real reason for your anti-cop screeds. You seem to be disingenuously using very real problems of police brutality to cloak your own desire just to not get caught, perhaps because you’re afraid daddy will cut off…
I played for years and spent money on events like Go Fest. But it’s really hard to care anymore. The frequent events made it feel like work, the steep leveling requirements made it feel like I was never making any progress, and the lack of any new Pokemon made it feel like I was always wasting time catching and…
The service has been godawful, especially for those of us who like games from older system (PS Now was way better). And I never play games online, so I won’t be missing much.
Trump’s goal here is probably to be so racist and so stupid that he provokes the judge into being mildly critical of him, then uses her “obvious bias” to win on appeal, after he’s delayed the trial sufficiently. It’s what he’s always done and how he’s always avoided real consequences.
And now I’ve learned that there’s a new season of Always Sunny, which made it worth posting here on Kotaku. What a dumb scandal this was...
I hate this guy, I really do, but I can’t help but think the reason they actually put him in jail (as opposed to letting him fuck off to Mar-a-Lago) is because he associated with Democrats and liberals. Again, he’s a truly awful person, but if he were a loyal Republican he would never have spent one day in jail.
Answering my own question here, this is a reference to Firefly Funhouse.
Toward the end of his career, Wyatt took the WWE universe by storm with the debut of his new character, The Fiend: an amalgamation of a Blue’s Clues-esque TV host and a Freddy Krueger-like horror villain.
I don't have any idea who the character is, so I'm not judging the performance based on fealty to older iterations. Just that she seems able to express emotions. Boba Fett had the same problem. At least the Mandalorian had no real faces to show, so the expectations were lower, I guess.