
I normally dislike product placement, but I actually enjoyed it in Pikmin. Curious why you say Pikmin 2 was the best. Is it because it’s the only one without a time limit? I love all the Pikmin games; it would be hard to pick a favorite. 

News from the future: In version 1.1 you can turn off the flower speech!

This is a pretty impressive haul. I’m especially excited by the MGS collection (with Snake’s Revenge!) and curious about the new Mario game, and as a big fan of Pikmin I’m always happy to see more.

Thanks for this, the writeup wasn’t clear at all that Pikmin 1 and 2 are out _today_. $30 each or $50 for both together. That’s...a little bit steep, but I will probably go for them anyway once I see what the upgrades are.

Guess I was in a hurry.

Feeding dondons luminous stones? That never would have occurred to me, and I don’t think the game mentions it when you find them.

Anyone who works a regular job in the public sector would refuse something like this because the standard is you can’t even have the “appearance of a conflict of interest.” A student got me a chocolate-covered fruit basket once and I had to give it away because of how it might look.

Hey Scalito: the fact that you complained about the free accommodations and food does not make them “modest” or “homestyle,” it just makes you a corrupt and ungrateful shit.

I don’t know anything about this game, so forgive the dumb question. But how does Valve find it worthwhile to provide content for 10 years for a free-to-play game if hardly anyone is paying for the passes? Are they making a ton of money on other things? I got the impression from my kid playing Fortnite that all you

They could have at least put “Rings” in the title, or a Zelda reference, to get some guaranteed sales, like that Eldin Rings game did.

I’m not sure why companies keep naming games “Immortals.” It’s an unappealing name! The games don’t sell.

Up up up up up up up up up up start?

Counterpoint: no.

It is kind of amazing that it was possible to buy the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U for $10 at one point, and now we have to hope and pray to get the full remastered trilogy for $120 someday. Nintendo really went maximal “screw you consumer” and suffered not even a little bit.

Perfect time for a Banjo Tooie surprise drop (you cowards).

As long as Pikmin 4 doesn’t make you go through your 100-item inventory three times a minute, I’m gonna say it’s not suffocated in gimmicks. Freaking Zelda (which I enjoy a lot, but damn).

One of my favorite things about this game is that virtually everyone knows Link. Legend of Zelda: Cheers Edition.

I tried to watch Andor, honestly. It’s just not that interesting to me after 3.5 episodes, and feels like it could be any generic sci-fi show. It’s well-done for what it is, but doesn’t relate to what I think of as Star Wars. I respect that Star Wars has a lot of different stuff people can enjoy, but if this game has

The expectation is very high. Games are just getting more complex in terms of the interactions that are expected.”

Others lamented the lack of lightsabers”