
More likely they have a standard version of the last paragraph that links to every other sister-site article on the same topic, and forgot to update it once Survivor came out. 

Respawn is developing a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, for example, as well as a first-person shooter and strategy game.

My wife LOVES the Pikmin games, but I’m not sure she’s ever finished one, because she can’t stand to let any die. No-death runs are definitely possible in all the games, but they are very difficult.

Release Banjo Tooie you cowards.

I’m not conversational in French and still have a very hard time listening, but I did feel like I could get myself understood if needed after a few months of Duolingo. And the game aspect kept me going when I probably would have given up earlier. It needs to be supplemented with actually talking to people for

Yoù pull the thing apart, then smash the special cube over and over.

What's this from?

I think you got lucky. I tried something similar and it just got stuck. :(

I never figured that one out. I kind of cheated the physics a bit to get that ball to the other side of the first part. Then on the second part I took two carts and sort of hopscotched across the lava by moving them alternately.

It’s one of the worst games I’ve ever played. If it had been a pack-in game, people would have been demanding refunds for the system on December 26.

I got past the second one by surrounding the rails with boards, rather than putting one board in the middle. So not only did the second one not teach me the right lesson, it made the third much harder for me. 

I found a Mucktorok underground and noped right out of there.

I _hated_ this one. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do, but the physics was incredibly unforgiving because of the twists. The previous rails had taught me that you wanted two boards surrounding your track (not one in between the rails). So I figured I would do this with two that were just far enough apart to

I did Fire Temple first and really appreciated being able to break rocks all around my cave exploring. But now I’ve done basically the entire right side of the map and barely touched the left side. It did not seem like they were pushing me that hard to go to Rito: Kakariko and Hateno seemed more urgent. Oh well.

The number of times I’ve been happy to have a dedicated button to call a horse is exactly zero, either in this or in BotW.

No idea what your comment has to do with mine. Did you intend to reply to someone else? I was reacting to this sentence. “Even if you’ve got a ton of hearts, this monster’s ice breath can knock out most if not all of your health in one attack.” In my experience that’s been true for virtually every enemy in the game.

I don’t like the Kinja ads, but the worst part on an Android is that the comments section won’t even load half the time.

There is definitely a kind of leftist that does this, usually right before they turn into a hardcore Trumpie, but nobody prominent in the Democratic party acts like this.

OK, good, at least I’m not crazy. This game feels way harder than BotW in terms of enemies, especially since I haven’t bothered upgrading clothes and just went for the temples and other sidequests.

Thanks for the hint.