I imagine this game might actually be easier if you’ve forgotten most of BotW, since I also tend to rely on abilities I remember from that game.
I imagine this game might actually be easier if you’ve forgotten most of BotW, since I also tend to rely on abilities I remember from that game.
I know there’s something about finding musicians and bringing them to the great fairies, and I saw the musicians talking about the newspaper. So I assume it’s related to the newspaper quest in Rito which I haven’t found yet. Good to know there is at least some kind of meaningful upgrade. All the clothes and armor I’ve…
Is there any enemy in this game that _doesn’t_ take all your hearts with one hit? So far every fight I’ve had has been the same: build a bunch of super-strong weapons by fusing that can maybe defeat an enemy after twenty whacks, repeat over and over again since each enemy insta-kills me by glancing at me sideways.
I appreciate your point, but there’s a big difference between people saying “balls” to something like ChatGPT and getting a response that might be inappropriate vs. doing that in a game that parents buy for kids. Right now kids can hear sexual innuendo or racism or homophobia in games from other players online, but…
“Hey NPC, can you tell me where to find the Sword of Radiant Light?”
I’ve felt like this about so many “prestige” shows or pop culture phenomena. The only “this is such a good show” I’ve enjoyed in the past 10 years is Better Call Saul, but even that got kind of ridiculous towards the end (I hated the Lalo subplot).
This actually sounds really appealing to me. I loved the two NES games and MGS1, then the series jumped the shark for me in MGS2 with all the nonsense cutscenes and interminable codec conversations. So 3/5 of this game will be worthwhile for me.
If Amouranth ever finds a glitch in Zelda and Ron DeSantis complains about it, this site will be swimming in material for WEEKS.
Everyone on the left seems to aspire to be the Alan Colmes of Twitter.
According to this video you need 86,000 rupees for everything in BotW.
“People are just idiots,” the employee said, referring to comments online. “It’s a mob of craziness.”
I just like to think of my 30 diamonds as a preorder bonus.
This is one of the only big games in the modern era that doesn’t have an adjustable difficulty though. Until Nintendo creates one (and they've done it before) an occasional cheat is far from "debug mode." And I would hope if they're paying enough attention to see these glitches, they're also noticing reaction to how…
I think that’s a good analogy. As an old man, I am much more comfortable playing a game on “easy mode” because I won’t have time to repeat things over and over, either by grinding for resources or repeating difficult sections after dying. Metroid Dread only became playable for me after the easy mode was created, for…
I don’t know if it’s been a flop. It might sell a lot despite the review scores.
Nobody who identifies themselves for clout (twice!) in an anonymous comment is ever telling the truth. You’re an old white guy from Florida, and your hate boner for AOC has gone on so long that you should seek medical attention.
Spider-Man and The Plucky Squire both look very appealing to me.
Manhattan felt quite big enough for me in the two previous games. Who’s dying to play Staten Island?
Probably like Rhino in Miles Morales: a fun tutorial to beat him at the beginning and then you see him one more time 2/3 through the game and remember, “Oh yeah, Kraven’s in this.” Any more Kraven than that is too much Kraven.
That gust power is apparently attained somewhere else, because I didn’t have it. I did try building something with fans, but you can’t do that on the statue.