
Boomers were famously liberal when they were young, weren’t they? It’s not at all obvious now that today’s young lefties won’t also sell out and/or go crazy as they age.

I finally understand what this comic is about! This game, apparently!

I feel like tiny text has been an issue since the PS3 era. Except on Nintendo systems, most games seem to have some really small font in the subtitles or item/mission descriptions which drives me nuts. My TV isn’t tiny but I usually cannot read what’s on the screen without having to get up closer.

The worry is that someone at Kotaku might watch the stream and decide to spoil something in a headline on release day, like they recently did with Horizon DLC.

All I wanted was a Switch with no handheld mode, no screen, no joycons, no dock, apparently that was too much to ask.”

Boomers raised a lot of kids to be just as terrible as them. 

I don’t believe cloud gaming is the future, but I also didn’t believe streaming would ever work for Netflix, given how bad internet connectivity was when they went all-in on that. I was totally wrong. On the other hand I’ve never believed in self-driving cars, and I think I was right about that.

I don’t believe the shortage was intentional, but it’s hard to deny that having some scarcity for a cool thing would increase eventual demand.

For each of these episodes you could probably find the corresponding South Park episode that ripped it off, and instantly get a “10 best South Park episodes” list. Standards are way lower for that show. “Oh we make fun of everyone [who’s not a rich straight white male libertarian].”

People sometimes forget how bad homophobia and transphobia were at the time (and obviously transphobia is especially bad right now). Back then it felt like your choices for comedy were either completely sanitized sitcoms that just recycled I Love Lucy episodes, or “edgy” stuff. But once you got older you started

I agree that it’s funnier, but once you plant the seed that Lisa might have a crush on Nelson, it drastically changes her character and opens up an avenue for exploration. Then after 10,000 episodes when you run out of other ideas, that avenue needs to be explored.

I remember seeing it close to when it aired. It was funny, and at the time I really liked that sort of meta-humor that you would see in a show like Get a Life or the Ben Stiller show. Only much later did it become obvious that “We’re going to break all the goodwill we built up by caring about character for a silly

“Elon Musk appearing on your show” is this generation’s “jumping the shark.” I put up with Rick and Morty’s bad fanbase for a while to enjoy the occasional good parts until that Musk episode, and then it made me think, “Why am I doing this to myself for people who thought this was a good idea?”

The character in this game is modeled on the actor and looks exactly like him. He seems like a nice enough guy, so why insult his appearance? Save it for Bobby Kotick or Tucker Carlson, much more punchable faces.

Part of the reason for this is that, as I’ve said before, it was near impossible to buy a new PS4 for the last couple years of its cycle, even more difficult than buying a PS5. So late adopters were more motivated than in a typical cycle to go for the new backwards compatible thing rather than trying to get the old

Very excited for Pikmin 4! It’s been 10 years since the last one. 

You can get a MAGA hat for $12, why would anyone spend $50,000?

That’s what you get when the owner grows up rich in apartheid South Africa. Whites only.

I also played on the lowest difficulty, so maybe that’s why I didn’t notice it.

Yes, the device you carry is clearly modeled on the Wii U, and it would have been a great application of the technology. They clearly removed the functionality to make it work on the Switch, which makes the interface a real mess.