“domestic supply of infants” came directly from Alito’s opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
“domestic supply of infants” came directly from Alito’s opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
I think preview roundup is a nice feature, but it would be good if Kotaku at some point makes up with Nintendo and gets to preview games themselves. Any chance of that happening?
I played on the PS5 and loading times were not particularly bad. So I assume this one will be at least as fast.
I don’t know if Nintendo will ever make amends with Kotaku, but it does not seem that Kotaku tried terribly hard.
The X was hard to find at some point (comparable to PS5), but I don’t think the S was ever really hard to find.
TOTK is the new Zelda game, not Jedi Survivor. Kotaku doesn’t get to preview it unlike other gaming sites (but that has nothing to do with “culture war” or whatever).
Frontier used to be fantastic before they went bankrupt and got bought out by Spirit. Sad times. Now they’re all terrible in their own ways.
I thought Netflix binges really became a mainstream thing during the pandemic, and before that it was more of an “I can’t believe I watched the whole thing” sort of next-morning confession. Now that people are going out again, binging seems less popular. I could be wrong though, these are just hunches.
Release a real Banjo-Kazooie game, you cowards.
Justice Democrats didn’t exist until 2017, and Sinema was already a fairly conservative member of the House by then.
I believe you are thinking of the mean. The median is the salary at which 50% of Americans are above it and 50% are below it. So if you took the richest person in the USA and gave him an extra 100 trillion dollars a year in salary, it would increase the mean but not change the median at all.
If you don’t care whether I believe you, why did you write this long rant? Would have been faster just to provide a source, if you had one.
This is a very slight oversimplification but not much: when women got blue checks.
Thank goodness we’ve finally got an objective source! You should share this documentation with Musk and Taibbi! BTW did your uncle's roommate work for Nintendo at the time, and did you have a girlfriend in Canada?
The only gratifying thing about reading this is knowing that this rich asshole wakes up every morning and thinks to himself, "Here's what I should have said to Kendall in 7th grade, yeah that's such a good comeback."
Exactly. Everyone in the US who has achieved a great fortune has done so based on their fundamental lack of a moral compass. That’s easier to maintain if you ignored or had daddy pay off your teachers throughout school. Idiocracy rather than meritocracy.
What this word-vomiting bigot actually thinks, as anyone can check from his comments six days ago.
“cherry picking faggot” is an excellent way to demonstrate how not-bigoted you are. Seriously, how broken is this site that someone like you is given free reign?
The word queer is throwing me off here, but otherwise I would have read this in the sense of the Jonathan Richman song “I’m Straight,” as in not a person who uses drugs like Hippie Johnny. But I’m not sure if anyone uses the word that way anymore.
He’s a nasty transphobe to boot, in other threads. Not sure how he got ungreyed here.