Yes, I forgot how annoying everything about Sunshine was until I tried replaying it as part of the collection recently. I quit while trying to do this level (maybe that’s the one you’re referring to), after perfectly getting the 8 coins repeatedly and dying at the end because you can’t actually land on the dock unless…
SpaceX employees cheering for the explosion of their rocket.
One of the things I really disliked the most about Mario 64 and Sunshine was the fact that you had six stars to get in each world by doing some chore, but most of those involved the exact same path with only slight variation at the end. Really confusing when first playing it (where am I supposed to go? I reached the…
Yes. For example to me the best SNL is mid-to-late 80s, because that’s when I was a teenager. The 35 years since then have been a real low point.
His 2018 governor race was very close; the Democrat had been favored slightly as I recall.
Ted Cruz tried exactly this strategy in 2016 and presumably you remember how that worked out for him. He refused to criticize Trump at all until he was the last one standing, then they turned on each other and Trump wiped the floor with him.
Sounds like you were a little biased because you hate lawyers? Since you mention that in all caps and say nothing else about the case? Good job sabotaging the rest of the jury though.
Yes, in the US a full-time minimum wage job will earn about $15,000 in a year, before taxes.
You’re talking about Florida, not some fantasyland state where the government cares about its people.
This site really doesn’t do anything about homophobic comments, does it?
The word “hero” is sometimes overused or misapplied, but you my friend are a true hero for pirating video games.
This really would have been good context for the article! Which has absolutely nothing to say about what he actually did except to put “hacker” in scare quotes.
Right-wingers are so desperate to feel oppressed all the time. Imagine going this nuts to find politics in the Mario movie, then getting yourself even more upset that there isn't any. (Also Toad is black in this movie, hope his head doesn't explode.)
Reservoir Dogs is the first example you think of for a good movie?
Even with the black/gray system, the comments on Jezebel are still awful. So many of them are basically "this writer is a dumb bitch" and they get up voted by other grays until they're dominant. Something about being a woman on the internet just drives commenters crazy, apparently.
She seemed so much cooler in her “You have something for me, Peter Parker?” line than in any other moment of the original movie (except of course when she’s flying through the Kree ships).
If there were, he’d be on every Fox News show for the last week and the next two weeks, explaining how his white colleagues personally assured him they don’t even see race.
The trailer makes it seem like Captain Marvel is more fun this time around. There were moments of levity in her original movie, but she seemed jokier in the later Avengers movies. Brie Larson seems to do comedy well, but the original movie occasionally took itself too seriously or made her the “straight” person while…
Jean Grey and the Phoenix story was late 70s/early 80s. Rogue I remember from the 80s, but I don’t remember the comics being centered around her like the Phoenix story was. But I was reading comics in the 90s and it was maybe one of the most male-dominated times since the 60s, with Punisher and Wolverine being the…