
The Acura looks better.

anyone who wants AWD?

That’s a pretty cool program. It would be shitty to not only crash your beloved NSX but have it come back from repairs feeling like the work wasn’t done right. I have a friend who works as a service tech for Acura and he loves working on them, but he testifies the NSX is insanely complex.

Up to the citizen to buy or not.  at 40 bucks, 90% buy.  at 60 bucks, 50% buy.  It will hurt business to have factories in China.  They will leave to another country (not US though, that’s a trump pipe dream).  

He knows what it means though.  Company’s will be forced to move out of China if they can’t afford the hit.  It’s the only way to hit China.  By taking away their clients.   

“...the difference between the NRA and the average gun owner is akin to the difference between PETA and the average vegetarian.”

Not that far from the truth lol. If you had met my dad and granddad (both now gone) you would understand.

I am a life-long gun owner

Now playing

Nope. That’s not to say they’ve never lobbied for things before. 

In previous decades the NRA was a sporting organization who were more pro-hunting-related-issues than just ‘pro-gun’. It lobbied for policies that first and foremost benefited hunters, not policies that benefit only gun-manufacturers and gun sellers.

Not really.

The NRA used to be a relatively small gun owner’s association, up until some time in the 1980's or so.

It was actually when they hired the marketing firm Ackerman McQueen (the source of their current woes) that they started being transformed into the armsmakers’ lobbyists/Whipping Boys

I wanted in back when I was younger - say, 17, and when they were still just about safety, marksmanship, shooting for sport and that stuff.

Good lord, they’re now a propaganda and hate mill that also doubles as a revenue generator.

You are not alone. I’m actually an instructor and I refuse to be a member.

This is 100% accurate. I am a life-long gun owner who would never dream of joining the NRA because of how it’s turned into a shamelessly partisan lobbying group. 

Probably the most accurate statement I’ve seen in a while. 

If they wanted to “bring gun-toters into the fold,” they’d stop with the ridiculous stances: “Trump for Emperor!” “Arm the dogs and, maybe, some cats!” “Russia believes in private gun ownership, too!”

Me: There’s no way the NRA can find someone worse than Oliver North ...

Came here for this, leaving satisfied. Would also like a ridiculously long and involved explanation of why it was deemed necessary, what it achieves for what purpose, written by Torch with tech help from somebody. And see him and the rest of The Jalopnik Crew try to drive it around a course, sober and after 1-4 beers.

Also relevant for those piloting the wrong side of the car

I was always confused by this. I still use my right leg more than my left while driving a manual, even in gridlock.