
Right but also as a critic are you not suppose to be objective? As a result shouldn't you also be putting some of your stronger personal feelings aside and trying to understand what made the game great for so many other people, at least enough to warrant a kind of sequel?

It's fair that you didn't like it. But maybe "disaster" is a little harsh considering you acknowledge knowing people like it?

I’m with you. Not a fan of her opinions, especially since I disagree with most of them concerning Breakpoint. She wrote an entire article on Breakpoints’ microtransactions which are completely invisible, unless you want to use them. Why? Does any gamer really not understand what microtransactions are? Who the fuck is

Ghost Recon Wildlands was a disaster”

I knew she wrote this after reading the first couple sentences. 

Ghost Recon Wildlands was set in Bolivia, not Mexico, and its villains were exaggerated, action movie like caricatures of narco cartels and drug dealing paramilitary forces, which have long been in bed with Bolivia’s government.

Agreed, it seems to be her purpose. I wish it was someone like Luke Plunkett that actually reviewed these games, as he takes his time and really thinks about the games themselves, versus just rooting around for things to lambast about it like a pig looking for truffles. While I agree that some of these things are

Fair point. She seems to view anything that isn't the same calibur as God of War or Last of Us as a boring mess.

If you haven’t noticed, she hates just about everything for particularly no reason except to complain.

My friend's and I enjoy is significantly more than Wildlands. Only thing that really needs to be done is bug fixing and optimization. The promise of added content is a welcome one, and while it's got it's issues, it's far from the mess you've described it as.

What a completely, morally misleading and therefore meaningless point

Taking the right stance against tyrrany vs saving face/a few bucks from China. Screw Blizzard. I will be boycotting them. I came from warcraft, Diablo era. This company is a shit pile. :(

How dare Blizzard displease authoritarians - the rules were clearly written” is a great example of a legalistic response that entirely skips the ethical issue of supporting free speech or supporting an authoritarian regime seeking to suppress it. Blizzard has chosen to support authoritarians in its policy.

They didn’t even issue a year ban to the 2018 World Champion, tom60229, for cheating. CHEATING! In a tournament! Someone is hypocritical here, and it's not me.

I’d buy that if they also didn’t fire and blackball the 2 casters for, I guess, not immediately karate chopping the player into unconsciousness or something. Blizzard did this to appease the Chinese government, not to set an example.

While I appreciate approaching the issue logically and with a cool head, I am under no obligation to do so and Activision Blizzard are not going to cry themselves to sleep just because I dislike their decisions.

I don’t think anybody is thinking they are not within their rights. But it’s hard to imagine they didn’t have ulterior motives and natural to question those motives.

Believing isn’t enough imho, not playing their games would be.

I think you do not understand the argument at all if you believe there is hypocrisy at play. Blizzard has a right to take the actions that they did, but at the same time they may face consequences for doing so. The argument is that ALL actions have consequences. Both for Blitzchung and for Blizzard. Typically the so-ca

They most certainly have that right.