You're missing the point. TRUMP believes that.
I’m not sure I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for these tariffs. But the point of these tariffs IS to hurt. It does hurt China, but the goal is not to just hurt them. The goal is to have a long-term effect. The goal, albeit highly unlikely, improbable, and impractical, is to force US Companies (not China) to do…
Throwing any points into the mix would make it STUPID competitive. Imagine if a team won the whole championship by a couple of points after winning the mini race?
A million times this. I've done this as well, and it is absolutely incredible what cutting out the toxic people in your life does. It doesn't matter what your relationship with them is. It's not worth it.
Tow hook cover is hard to see, but on the opposite side.
The MR2 is supposedly going to be electric.
Beat me to it.
Brian, did you let anyone proofread this first?
I agree with the majority of the points in this article, but it still made me want to puke. I thought I was reading an article, not another rant from someone's Facebook feed. I gave up halfway through, scanned the rest, and it only seemed to get worse. Fair points, but good lord.
This won't be the 2019 Toyota Supra. Maybe a 2020, but the time has passed for it to be labeled a 2019.
I read half the title with elation, and then I was crushed just as swiftly with the latter half.
Why protect them? Someone else from Maryland would probably appreciate the heads up...
That’s a common misconception. It’s not illegal to download pirated material. Only to distribute it. The only time anyone has ever gotten in trouble for downloading is when they have enough evidence to get you for intent to distribute, which would be a pretty tough sell for anyone looking to play some games on an…
Musk is in the spotlight. I GUARANTEE there are SEVERAL CEOs that do exactly this, or through their direction. People familiar with Wall Street and Corporate America should know damn well that this is not some new or esoteric adventure. The problem is that he’s hanging his laundry out to dry in public and receiving…
Everything surrounding this new Supra has been nothing but years of frustration. I would love to be at the dealership to buy one as soon as they released, but I’m not going up there to buy an automatic BMW. And all this teasing is ridiculous. The foreplay has gone on for too many YEARS.
Do we forget that most of the US is still rural and a big part of our economy is still made up of agriculture? The large cities that house large populations are tiny compared to the plains and farms that surround them. You don’t even have to look at Texas. Look at New York and California for examples. Most people with…