
Yeah, it happens, but in pro league?

Heel-toe? :P

Err... Didn’t Ferrari say the same thing? I noticed you linked articles to all of them but Ferrari. Aren’t they vehemently against EVs? They had some scathing words to say about them last I read...

Tada is very anal about engineering his cars perfectly, especially the FR-S, because the entire thing is his brainchild. He’s a perfectionist. It wasn’t originally developed and balanced as a turbo, so putting a turbo on there would mean going back to the drawing board and re-engineering every aspect of the thing from

I’ve bought several. Every new car I buy is manual.

This was the most upsetting part about the slow death of Hangouts. From aggregated chat (SMS + Hangout-to-Hangout in one chat), video chat, and builtin support for Google Voice SMS, it was the perfect solution. But then they started splitting out. Now you have Google Duo, Google Allo, Google Voice, Google Hangouts,

I would only say that jumping to conclusions isn’t healthy. I would also say that demanding answers is. The problem is that conservatives ASSUME everything is just the “libtards” and their “fake news”, and liberals ASSUME it is the “bigots” being racist. Without facts, it’s impossible to tell. It’s important to take a

Aloominardy cunferm’d

The cost isn’t as high as you may think! Everyone assume it’ll cost a fortune, but in actuality you save yourself much more in the long run, and you (hopefully) prevent the guy from doing the same shady shit to someone else.

“and will update you if we find ~otu~out anything”

Between Canyon and DFW (normally 6 hour drive), the flow of traffic is usually at around 110mph for nearly all cars traveling on that road. I used to drive it every weekend. It was common to pass patrol cars on the side of the road that would simply watch you drive by. Speed is not always the issue. It’s the erratic,

I’ve been doing this for years! It’s actually quite a nice feeling if you crack it a little more than normal, with the hot air on your feet and a tiny breeze on your face. Not enough to cover your face with ice, but enough to let a tiny bit of the chill in. Oddly enough it makes it feel a little more cozy :)

A plethora of vehicles, even brand new, do not have auto climate control.

If I bring a bag full for white powder through TSA and claim it’s just powdered sugar, will they believe me and let me bring it on the plane anyway?

Superb individual! I’d love to shake his hand :D

A Benz? C’mon, you could’ve picked something reliable to contrast it with :P

I do the same shot with my FR-S! HAHA

A quick perusal of Github shows Amphetamine hasn’t been updated in two years. :S

This is why many local meets in my area employ local law enforcement to be present to deter a lot of this from happening. Some meets grow to the size of nearly 1,000 participants a week. The meet has moved several times due to most location’s Zero Tolerance Policy for jackassery. Thankfully, the meet has stayed at the

Your missing the mark entirely. People don’t want an electric car. They don’t care. What they want is an iPhone, and right now that’s the Tesla Model 3. Go look up how Tesla’s sales dropped dead when government subsidies were pulled out from under them. No one bought them! Why? Because the people who actually care