
While these modders are at it, maybe those big red letters that Souls players know so well should say “you tried.”

fortunately the game is free-to-play. why are you spending money on this thing?

2 words: Pokemon

“Such visitors are drawn to the website by the widespread availability of free, unauthorized copies of Nintendo’s video games and other highly valuable intellectual property.”

It is very strange that this website went down right after this article went up (as I was looking at it at the time). The controllers are standard controllers with buttons on the back that can be mapped to different button presses. I think the idea is that you can grip the controller more tightly and don’t have to

I had never heard of this guy but decided to google ‘keemstar racism’ .

Oh yea man. Lets copyright literally everything i want to pay royaltys everytime i flip my lightswitch and open my car door.

Fuck all micro-transactions to hell.

It’s a misunderstanding. I was just trying to get a peekatyou.

Not having it released at all is way worse in my opinion, especially when it must have been close to being finished. All the hard work for nothing. If you release it and nobody’s playing it, well, that’s a risk every developer has to face (LawBreakers says hello). But at least you released it, at least your work

Celebrity accused of photoshoping picture...this is riveting journalism

There... I fixed it with Photoshop...

And you obviously worked as a toolsetter for free I assume.

Oh, okay. I'm not really up on whatever cool new awareness blocs of time the kids are into these days. I just try to be a good person that respects everyone's humanity and struggles daily. 

Chances are they will only trigger it if it detects it running on a large number of systems within a small time period. While also detecting if it’s a registered UID or not for the software. So unless you are at a con and you get 100 people to launch it within a hour, you aren’t likely to ever trigger it. (probably,

1) You can still access eShop when banned

oh no, you can’t use Nintendo’s online system....

ah, ya know, i got good once. then i took a zweihander to the dex build.

...and so the hero courageously and continuously griefed a low, level 20 player in the undead parish for the twentieth time that evening until he finally turned on offline mode.

An executive who knows that Warner Bros could make Bethesda shit its pants and then make Bethesda eat said shit pants.