Can't wait to play it on gamepass!
Can't wait to play it on gamepass!
I want an OLED Lite and this game!
This is legit my fav FF of all time!
Better off using a FACER skin.
What happens if 2 cheaters are vs each other?
It's a bummer they exist, period.
GB is the best gaming podcast in the world. Listened every week for years, was gutted when these guys left.
MS going all out this gen. I think it will pay off.
I beat this game and didn't watch a single cutscene after the tutorial.
This game should've been called RINSE AND REPEAT as that is all you do.
Imagine having such a sad and unfulfilled existence that you actually care about anything in this article.
I expect Avengers will be coming to gamepass soon too as it’s coming to psnow.
Because bosses are usually cunts.
X was perfect imo, and the last good 3D FF.
Someone do us all a favor and ban twitch.
Good. It's about time!
Not sure if I read all of the comics this week as there are that many fucking ads all over the page I gave up trying.