
For real. I was not prepared for the mental gymnastics I had to go through while reading this article. Some people have such wild thoughts and will twist things around so much to fit their narrative.  

First Caitlyn and now Amy. Men really are better at being women than women.

Funny how no other woman could achieve this.

Let’s take apart that blog post of theirs, shall we?

Did you watch it? He defended trans MULTIPLE times during that and other specials. All jokes are at the expense of someone or some thing. His weren’t dark. Why can the trans community attack those they don’t agree with while at the same time complaining about being attacked.

Can't wait to play it on gamepass!

Yeah I’d give Dave a bit of leeway on the jokes. That’s not to say they aren’t offensive to people. Heck I watched the special and at times looked at the audience and could tell from their faces they were, at the very least, unimpressed with them. That’s jokes; some work, some don’t.

I want an OLED Lite and this game!

Wet Ass Pavement was right there.

I mean, to be fair: why would you know basically any of these people existed?

Haha. I don’t hate Kotaku (seriously, I invite you to check my post history for anything negative, other than some typo corrections, and maybe some friendly joking). But my friends and I did joke that Kotaku wasn’t going to say anything nice about New World (a statement, not a judgment). This isn’t support for Amazon,

Serious question (and I hate to get political) but what’s stopping a black person from starting their own game company? Who better to depict POC than POC themselves... why is it up to white devs or asian devs or whoever? Bollywood doesn’t put many white people in their movies, and it doesn’t upset me.

The people who already bought the game, and have had it changed because of snowflakes can’t “take their money elsewhere”. So unless Steam begins to refund people for a game they bought four years ago, you are the one who should shut up.

“How many computers do you think we should get for our crypto-mining operation??

“I dunno, a thousand?”

“That’s great. But what if we got a thousand. And then added another.....69?”


So basically it’s a prequel to Pixar’s “Cars” series?

They did grab a particularly stupid looking picture of the guy, but I guess it’s fitting being that he’s some YouTube twat or whatever.

It’s rich this guy is trying to paint himself as the “innocent victim” when he abused an unpublished change in the code of the coin to sell off faster than publicly-available information would have indicated was available.

I don’t have as strong of feelings as others re: the headline, but to say it isn’t obvious is a little odd considering she is right there in the header image.

Pointing out that she’s a black woman, and implying that because she’s black, it’s somehow more interesting that she has a video game collection, is pretty racist. Her race has nothing to do with her hobby, and doesn’t add any value to the article.

Thank God you mentioned she’s black, would miss that otherwise. I guess when you write about water it is usually „wet water is flowing in a river“.